Forty Two: Not Mad

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Thanks to everyone who has supported me througout this time in my life :)

Kaido <3


Misty’s eyes shone with amazement as we landed on Oa.

“It’s so…” Having taken people here before, the usual words I get are beautiful, bright or intergalactic.

“Green!” Misty finished. Okay, that’s a first. We got off and walked through the hangar. People greeted me and I introduced them to the new Laurel Destiny.

“So…is the um…is he real?”


“You know, the Doctor?”

I rose an eyebrow at her. “As in Doctor Who? With the TARDIS and the Daleks?”


I felt like that kid who reveals to her first grade class that Santa is really your parents spending their years savings on crap. “No…” I answered regretfully. 

“Oh,” Was all Misty replied. I smiled down at her. So calm, never loses her temper. This kid is great. We reached the armoury in a few minutes.

It was empty. As usual everything was green. There were glass cases against the walls and metal holders in the middle of the room with weapons in them 

“So I can just…pick one?”

“Yep. I don’t really now how to use many of them but we can learn together. So; go ahead.”

While I inspected some of the whips in the case beside me, Misty walked over to the other side of the room. I had a feeling she would try to find the weapon that did the least amount of damage.

Perhaps she is too nice for her own good.

But I was wrong. She called me over with her tiny voice. I found her inspecting a large case of scythe weapons. Probably the fourth most damaging weapon in here.

“A scythe?” I inquired, opening the glass and taking one out.

“Yeah!” She smiled excitedly. I put the end of it on the floor; it was almost double her height. Plus, it was really heavy. Weighed about 30lbs.

I handed it to her and she took it with great care. 

“Oh! Emerald Star,” a voice said. The weapons specialist, Green Lantern Killawog walked. I do not know his species, but he looks like a rhinoceros.

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