Thirty Seven: The Old Way

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The bio-ship was out. M’gann could not even open a shaft to get out of the ship to try and save Hana. The pulse had damaged her severely.

They were forced to watch as Hana fell to the Earth. M’gann tried to pull her up with telekinesis…but she was out of range.

‘Wake up,’ she cried in her friend’s head, the others pleading the same thing. ‘Please just…wake up.’ 

A sudden red blast appeared near where Hana was falling. The team yelled in surprise as Witch Boy flew out of the portal and caught Hana with ease.

He looked directly at the bio-ship and glared at them. With a wave of his hand, the ship was forced to come closer. Both Wally and Robin panicked, worried Klarion would hurt Hana.

The others knew better. As the ship neared, an entrance opened to the side. Klarion reached over and placed Hana on the floor gently.

He glared up at the team and threw a red zap at them, before disappearing completely.

Robin, Villelda and M’gann dropped to her side instantly. Villelda placed a hand on her forehead. A brown light emitted from the contact, prompting Hana to wake up.

“Miss Star!” Vilellda gushed, hugging her saviour.

“Princess,” she said, taking her by the hand. “I must return you to Ageratia now.” Hana jumped out of the bio-ship, bringing Villelda with her.

Using her ring, she commanded the Denominator to appear. It flew from the cliff and stopped.

‘Hana, come back!’ M’gann called.

‘Why did Witch Boy save you!? How did he even…you need to come back and explain this Hanabrie!’ Robin yelled.

‘He owed me a favour is all. I’m sorry but I need to take her home. She is the Princess after all. I’ll me back soon.’

I was write. After I dropped off the Princess and received many thanks from her family, I returned to Earth.

In the mission room, both Green Lanterns, Batman, Red Tornado and Black Canary were waiting for me. All of them looked angry apart from RT and BC.

“Hello,” I said quietly, secretly wondering where the Team was. Hal came towards me and grabbed my arm

“Did he hurt you?”

“No. I don’t know what the team told you, but all he did was catch me.”

“My question is; why were you incapable of using your powers?” John asked.

I went to answer, but Batman opened a screen with a news report on it. The Happy Harbour reporter came on.

Light of the Midnight: My Own Star (A Young Justice {Robin} Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now