Day 11: Do something special for mum

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We're all constantly trying to be good people. 

We try to be good to our friends and neighbours, colleagues and classmates, cousins and their friends. :P

Oh we are so awesome and caring and nice to everyone because we are striving to be better and do better. 

But back home? 

It's always home that we neglect--Our siblings and family. 

After a long day of trying to the best version of ourselves, after gulping down that angry retort, after smiling to people against our will, we come home tired and worn out and just want to sleep on it. 

Unaware that there are other people too, who deserve the best parts of us. 

We lose our cool at the ones who deserve our love the most. 

I am guilty of this far too many times. 

But all the hard work I put in to be an extra nice human being to everyone else will be nothing if I can't be a decent daughter and a sister. 

It is hypocritical of us to put up the bright parts of us on display and be the exact opposite when we reach the warm confines of our homes. 

So today, and everyday, do something special for the one who you have neglected the most. 

Your mum. 

And the best part? 

She's the easiest one to impress. She does not require the struggle you put up for everyone else. 

Because she's the one who loves you truly and unconditionally not expecting or asking in return. 

She's spent her entire life being the best for you. 

It's your turn now. 

So go ahead! 

May Allah preserve our mothers and grant us the paradise under her feet. Ameen! 

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