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Your POV

I opened the microwave after it beeped and pull out the packet of microwavable popcorn. I was babysitting for my mum's friend's daughters tonight. Mine and my mums friend were on a couples holiday for the next few days and I decided I would babysit. I wandered into the living room and set the popcorn on the coffee table in between Katie and I. Katie is 7 years old and Lily is 6 months. I went to sit down but the door bell rang. I wasn't expecting anyone. Who was it?

I opened the door and my boyfriend, Shawn, stood outside in the pouring rain.
"Shawn!" I embraced him in a tight hug,"Come in, it's cold!"
"Hey." Shawn shut the door behind him,"I heard you were babysitting Katie and lily so I thought I would come over and help."
"Awe you are honestly the sweetest boyfriend." I grabbed his hand and dragged him into the living room.

Shawn flopped down beside Katie and ruffled her hair. He has been here when I have babysitted before so Katie knows him. I kneeled down beside the DVD player and pressed play on Frozen. Katie is still obsessed with that film and it was her 7th time watching it with just Shawn and I. I got up and sat beside Katie.

*Time skip*

I began to drift off but Lily wakes me up. I went to get up but Shawn stopped me,"I'll go."
"Thanks babe." I smiled and got up.
I picked up Katies sleeping body and carried her up the stairs. I entered the spare room and put her into the large bed. I covered her up with the duvet and kissed her head,"Good night."
I exited the room and paused for a second. I heard a light hum coming from the other spare room, with lily in. I slowly tiptoed towards the door and peak in. I saw Shawn humming a lullaby to Lily. He rocked her small body in his arms and bobbed up and down. He put Lily in her crib and I slowly enter. I wrapped my arms around Shawn and he turned to me.

"You're gonna be a great dad Shawn." I smile as he kissed my forhead lightly.
"I hope I will." He smiled.
"You will be Shawn." I wispered, "Hopefully in the future we will have this."
"You are the only person I would want children with Y/N." Shawn smiled,"I love you."
"I love you too Shawn." I kissed hin on the cheek.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now