Club-Part 2

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Warning: Smut and Strong language.

Your POV

We walked up the stairs towards my flat and I unlocked the door. We entered and I turned towards Shawn. He slowly stepped towards me and pushed me up against the door. He looked in my eyes and began to lean in again. He stopped before our lips connected and looked into my eyes. I lent in the rest of the way and closed the gap. This kiss was different to the last. It was full of passion and love. Shawns hands traveled down my back and he left them on my lower back. Shawn's tongue traveled across my bottom lip begging for entrance. I agreed and out tongues fought for dominance. Shawn won and I tugged his leather jacket. He pulled away and removed it in one swift motion. He connected our lips once again and he placed his hands on my ass.
"Jump." He moaned into the kiss and I did as I was told.

He carried me into my room and threw me on the bed. Shawn slipped his shoes off and so did I. He crawled on top of me and connected our lips. He left sloppy kissed down my jaw and he began to suck on a small spot on my neck. I moaned as he left a few small bruises on my neck. I played with the hem of hit T-shirt and he pulled it off. I stopped for a moment and stared. I run my hand down his perfectly toned torso and I breathed deeply.
"Oh my..." I trailed off.
Shawn pulled at my crop top and I let him pull it off. I ran my hands through his hair as we made out passionately. A bulge began to grow in his pants and I moved my hand, brushing across his crotch slightly. He moaned softly and I placed my hand on his bulge. I began to palm him through his jeans and he let out loud moans. I smirked and he sat up. He took off his trousers, leaving him in just his boxers, and he began to run his hand up my bare leg. He slowly inched his large hand up my pencil skirt and he drew small circles on my inner thigh. He unzipped the back of my skirt and pulled it down my legs slowly. He threw it across the room and I pulled him back down on top of me.

"I...I need you Shawn." I wispered into the deep kiss.
"Your wish is my command." Shawn smirked and he unclipped the back of my bra. He slid it down my arms and stared. I covered my chest with my hands and looked down. He slowly pulled my hands away and wispered in my ear,"Beautiful!"
I smiled and he began to massage one of my breasts with one of his large hands. He began to play with the hem of my underwear and he pulled them down. I smirked and he pulled of his own boxers. His large member sprung up and he pulled on a condom. He lined at my entrance.

"Ready?" Shawn wispered in my ear.
"Ready!" I replied and he slowly pushed in, allowing me to get used to his size.
He stopped when he was fully in and I nodded so he knew he could move. He slowly thrusted in and out and the room filled with loud moans.
"F...Faster." I moaned and he sped up.
"God you're so tight Y/N!" Shawn groaned and buried his head into my neck.
His thrusts became sloppier and he lost his rhythm.
"I...I'm gonna..." I trailed off.
Shawn wispered in my ear,"Go for it baby."
I released and Shawn thrusted a few more times before releasing into the condom. He pulled out and disposed of the condom in the bin. He lied beside me and we regained our breathe.

"Y/N...I know this is moving quite fast but would you like to be my girlfriend?" Shawn wispered as he stroked my hair.
"I would love to Shawn." I slowly began to drift off into a deep sleep.

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