Back to you

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This imagine is set as if Shawn was still in high school so just imagine that. It is also based off of the 13 reasons why school and imagine Shawn is Jeff. There are no spoilers in this.

Your POV

I stood backstage of the school talent show, breathing in and out deeply. I was not a confident person but somehow my friend, Jess, had convinced me to sing my song that I had wrote. (Imagine Selena didn't write this) It was about my ex boyfriend, Shawn. We broke up because he believed that I loved Zach. I didn't love Zach, he had literally been my best friend since like nursery. He didn't believe me and he broke up with me. I still loved him. He hadn't moved on yet...Maybe there was a part of him that regretted his actions. We used to be the power couple of Liberty High. Everyone would ship us and we were 'goals'. I missed him and I wanted him back. 

"Y/F/N!" My name was called from the stage and Jess patted me on the back reassuring me.
"Go show them how amazing you are!" She smiled as I made my way onto the stage.
Zach, Justin, Bryce and Shawn all stood together laughing and joking until I walked out, Zach elbowed Shawn in the side and he looked up to the stage, making eye contact with me.

"Uhh...Hello I'm Y/N and I will be performing one of my own songs that I have written recently called back to you. I hope you enjoy!" I pulled the microphone closer to my lips and the music began. 

Took you like a shot
Thought that I could chase you with the cold evening
Let a couple years water down how I'm feeling about you (feeling about you)
And every time we talk
Every single word builds up to this moment
And I gotta convince myself I don't want it, even though I do (even though I do)

I look up and Shawn seems to look sadly into my eyes.

You could break my heart in two
But when it heals, it beats for you
I know it's forward but it's true
I wanna hold you when I'm not supposed to
When I'm lying close to someone else
You're stuck in my head and I can't get you out of it
If I could do it all again
I know I'd go back to you
I know I'd go back to you
know I'd go back to you

I sang the lyrics with all of the emotion left in me. I wanted to show him how I felt...I wanted to show everyone how I felt about him.

I never got it right
Playing and re-playing old conversations
Overthinking every word and I hate it
'Cause it's not me ('Cause it's not me)
And what's the point in hiding
And everybody knows that we got unfinished business
And I regret it if I didn't say this isn't what it could be (isn't what it could be)

At this point I knew that everyone had realised who this was about. I didn't care! I wanted them to understand how I felt.

You could break my heart in two
But when it heals, it beats for you
I know it's forward but it's true
I wanna hold you when I'm not supposed to
When I'm lying close to someone else
You're stuck in my head and I can't get you out of it
If I could do it all again
I know I'd go back to you
I know I'd go back to you
I know I'd go back to you
I go back to you
I go back to you
I know I said I wasn't sure
But I go back to you
I know I'd go back to you

A this point my eyes began to fill with tears as I sang the meaningful lyrics.

You could break my heart in two
But when it heals, it beats for you
I know it's forward but it's true
Won't lie, I'd go back to you
You know, my thoughts are running loose
It's just a thing you make me do
And I could fight, but what's the use
I know I'd go back to you

I looked straight into his eyes as I neared the end of the song. His eyes were filled with hurt and pain. His gorgeous smile was gone and his happy eyes were now clearly sad and tired. More tears brimmed in my eyes, threatening to fall down my face, showing my emotions. My voice began to crack as I sang.

I wanna hold you when I'm not supposed to
When I'm lying close to someone else
You're stuck in my head and I can't get you out of it
If I could do it all again
I know I'd go back to you
I'll go back to you
I'll go back to you
I know I'd go back to you
(Go back to you, go back to you)
(Go back to you, go back to you)
(Go back to you, go back to you)

I finished the song and finally allowed the tears to roll down my red cheeks. II ran down the steps of the stage and ran out of the large hall, into the halls, gasping for air. I made my way outside, people screaming my name, and ran. I just kept running. 

I finally stopped under a tree and collapsed in a ball of tears and emotion. I wrapped my arms around my knees and allowed all of my emotions out. I was hurting. It hurt so bad!

I felt two large, familiar arms wrap around me and pull me into a tight embrace. I breathed in the familiar scent of the boy and wrapped my arms around his neck, sobbing on his shoulder. I could hear small cries coming from him and I could feel a small wet patch forming on my t shirt.

After a few minutes I was able to stop crying, and I pulled away, looking into Shawn's bloodshot eyes. I could feel his hurt and pain.
"I-I'm so sorry Y/N..." Shawn sighed, "I was being stupid and I never realised how much it would hurt, letting you go. I know now that you don't like Zach...I was so blind. I'm so so sorry and I know you may not be able to forgive me but I still love you Y/N. I love you so bloody much and I always will."
I looked into his eyes and a small smile grew on my face, " You were very stupid to believe that I loved Zach...But I forgive you Shawn. I love you and only you okay?"
"Okay." Shawn smirked and lent in slowly.
I also lent in and allowed our lips to touch, for the first time in over a month. I threw all of my love and passion into the kiss and we both pulled away, placing out foreheads together.
"Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?...Again." Shawn giggled.
"I would love too...again!" I placed my hand in his and we stayed seated, under the tree, taking in each others presence.

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