One more night

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Warning:Smut and Strong language.

Your POV

I woke up wrapped up in someone's tight grip. I turned and saw his face. SHAWN!


"Shawn, we can't do this anymore. Our relationship has been broken for months...I-I should go." I picked up my suitcase and began to roll it down the hallway.
I turned and Shawn was stood inches away from me, our bodies almost touching. Sexual tension filled the room as Shawn looked me up and down. I turned and began to unlock the door, but Shawn span me back around and forcefully pushed me up against the wall. He connected our lips forcefully and I began to kiss back.
"I-I should g-go Shawn." I moaned as he left sloppy kisses down my jaw and onto my neck.
He found my sweet spot and began to suck on the skin softly.
"Just one more night Y/N." Shawn seductively wispered into my ear and connected our lips again.
I began to play with the hem of his T-shirt and he tugged it off in one swift motion. I ran my hand down his perfectly toned torso and he placed his hands on my ass. He carried me into our room and began to tug off my top. I pulled him on top of me and connected our lips once again.
"Fuck." Shawn moaned into the kiss as I palmed him through his jeans.
He pulled of my jeans and I pulled of his. He unclipped my bra and threw it across the room. He began to massage one of my breasts as he played with the hem of my underwear. I pulled them off and he pulled his boxers off.

I pulled a condom onto his large member and he lined up at my entrance.
"G-go." I said and he pushed himself in.
Moans filled the room as he thrusted in and out.
"I-I'm gonna cum." I moaned as Shawn thrusted.
"Three...Two...One...Go!" Shawn and I released at the same time.

*Flashback over*

I grabbed my clothes from the floor and put them on. I slipped on my shoes and tiptoed out of the room. I ran down the hallway and grabbed my suitcase from on the floor, turning back one last time.
"No more." I sighed as I unlocked the door and stepped onto the street. I jumped into my car and sped off down the street.

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