Late night guitar lessons

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Your POV

I grabbed Shawns guitar and sat on the living room sofa quietly. I slowly strummed the strings of the guitar badly. I've always wanted to learn how to play but I just haven't. I know I could just ask Shawn but I don't want to bother him. I pressed my fingers against the strings and strummed with the other hand.

"Y/N." Shawn laughed as he walked towards me on the sofa.
"Oh...How long have you been there?" My cheeks went slightly red.
"Not long." He slowly sat behind me on the sofa and wrapped his arms around me.

" He slowly sat behind me on the sofa and wrapped his arms around me

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He guided my hands with his a showed me the cords.
"You know...If you wanted to learn guitar you could have asked me." He smiled down at me.
"I didn't want to hassle you." I continue to look at his hand movements on the guitar.
"It's no hassle Y/N." He laughed lightly, "I would love to teach you."
"Awe thank you." I giggle,"I would love to learn."
I looked up into Shawns eyes and smiled. He grinned and let go of the guitar. He placed his large hand on my face and lent in slowly. I closed my eyes and followed. Our lips touched and the kiss was slow but loving. Our lips moved in sync and we pulled away for breath.
"I love you Y/N." Shawn smiled.
"I love you too Shawn." I grinned.
Shawn wrapped his arms around me again and we continued out guitar lesson.

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