Request for phil_dan_dil

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This one is kinda long. Sorry, but it was really fun to write!😂
Also if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes I'm sorry but I didn't have time to proofread it.

Lydia's POV

I set up the camera equipment, ready to film my new video.
"Ready?" I asked Shawn as he sat on our bed.
"Ready as I'll ever be!" He laughed lightly.
"They will love you Shawn, just stay calm." I smiled,"Okay 3, 2, 1. Let's do this."
I pressed record on the camera and sat beside Shawn. I looked into the view finder and messed with my hair for a second and Shawn placed his arm around my waist.
"Okay..." I paused for a second.
"Hey guys and welcome back to another video. Today's video is going to be a little bit different to all of the other videos on my channel." I smiled and looked into the lense of the camera,"Shawn, my amazing boyfriend, is here and we are going to do the boyfriend tag. He is going to ask me some questions and I'm going to answer them."
I looked up at Shawn and he smiled down at me and began to speak,"Let's do this!"

Shawn scrolled through the questions on his phone and looked up,"Okay question 1, Where and when did we first meet?"
"Easy!" I smirked,"We met in high school like 4 or 5 years ago. My family moved to Canada and it was my first day. I was in the lunch Hall and..."
"...You walled into me!" We both laughed.
"My food went all over you, I felt so bad." I laughed.
"And then you tried to clean me up with the sleeve of your jacket." He laughed.
"Oh God....Next question please." I giggled.
"Okay question 2, where was our first date and what did we do?" Shawn looked into the camera lense.
"Oh...ughhh..." I thought,"We went to some fair in our town and we went on the ferris wheel and got cotton candy. It was so fun."
"The best part was when you..." I cut off Shawn.
"NOOOO DON'T SAY IT!" I laughed and pushed Shawn jokingly.
"Haha...Guys she thought s-someone else was me and she r-ran up behind them and jumped onto t-their back!" Shawn began to roll around the bed, in hysterics.
I began to blushed and cover my face with the sleeves of my hoodie. Shawn sat up and wrapped his arms around me tightly.
"Awe don't get embarrassed." He held in his laughs,"It was really funny."
"Next!" I uncovered my face and Shawn removed his hands from around me.
"Question 3, What was your first impression of me?" He asked.
"What, after the food was thrown all over you." I laughed,"I thought you seemed very nice and polite. You didn't seem like a guy who would use me, you just seemed so nice and you are."
"Awe Lydia." Shawn blushed lightly.
He looked into my eyes and I looked up into his. He placed his hand on my cheek and lent in slowly and I closed the gap between the two of us. Our lips connected and moved in sync. I pulled away and hugged him.
"Okay question 4, Where and when was our first kiss?" He read from his phone.
"It was on our second date. We went out for dinner and then walked through the park nearby my house. We sat under the big tree and yeah..." I blushed, thinking back to that day.

"The best part of a date was the fact that we went back to your house and ordered pizza even though we went out for dinner." Shawn laughed.
"There's always room in my stomach for pizza...Or any food to be fair." I giggled.
"Okay final question, What is one thing you like and one thing you dislike about me?" He asked.
"One thing I like...uhh...Thats difficult, there's too many. I like how we both have the same sense of humor and I love your voice in the morning." I smiled, One thing I dislike...uhh...I don't like how you take off your socks and they all end up around the apartment. If they were in pairs it would be fine, but there not. I have to go on a hunt to find your socks to wash them."
(I had no clue what to put for dislike sooo...😂)
"I'm not that bad." He groaned.
"Shawn, I found two socks under the sofa, three under our wardrobe and one in the bath...And that's just today!" I replied.
"Well at least I don't open every  cupboard in the kitchen when I want to make one thing..." Shawn laughed," and then you don't shut them, you leave them open and I go in the kitchen and like seven cupboards are open."
"Okay true." I smiled.

*Time skip*

"Okay guys, that was it for today's video. I really hope you enjoyed it and if you want to see more of this lovely man then thumbs up this video so I know. What's the last thing you want to say Shawn?" I asked.
"Download Illuminate on I tunes and listen to it on Spotify!" He laughed.
"Shawn, stop promoting your music on my channel. Anyway his twitter and Instagram will be linked down bellow..." Shawn cut me off.
"And my album!" He added on.
"Ughh fineeeeee...Also his album will be linked bellow so check it all out." I smirked,"Bye guys!"
"Byeeeeeeeeee!" Shawn shouted as I turned off the camera.

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