Wisdom teeth removal

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Your POV

"You can come in now Miss." The dentist smiled, opening the door to let me in.
"Thank you." I smiled and entered the room.
I stood in the doorway and looked down at Shawn on the dentist chair. He was looking around the room like a small child in a candy shop.
"Shawn?" I giggled and he stared at me for a few seconds with a concerned look on his face.
"Who are you?" Shawn asked.
"I'm Y/N."  I laughed lightly but Shawn still looked confused,"Your girlfriend."
"WAIT WHAT!" Shawn nearly choked.
"What?" I smiled.
"How did I get YOU!?!" He looked shocked.
"How did you get me? Don't you mean how did I get you?" I laughed,"Anyway come on let's go!"
"I don't wanna goo..." Shawn wined in annoyance.
"We have to Shawn. Come on baby." I offered him my hand and I helped him up.
"Okayyyyyyyyyyy." He groaned as I dragged him out of the dentist.
"Thank you." I smiled at the receptionist.
"Is she the one who took my teeth?"  Shawn began to tear up,"Is want them back. GIVE THEM BACK!"
"N...No Shawn. She didn't take your teeth." I frowned,"Sorry."
"It's fine honestly." She laughed as I dragged Shawn out of the reception.

We walked to our car and I unlocked it,"Come on! Get in."
He sat in the passenger's seat and I buckled him in. I ran to the other side of the car and got in.
"Where are we going." He mumbled.
"Home Shawn." I began to drive.
"Can we get Mc Donalds?" He asked excitedly.
"No Shawn. You can't eat solid food remember." I told him.
Shawn began to tear up slightly,"Oh."
"Baby it's okay. We can get you an ice cream from there." I offered as we pulled up in the drive thru.
"Hello. What would you like?" The worker asked politely.
"Um...Hello. Can I get one plain McFlurry and one small fries." I replied.
"Sure. Come to next window." I was told.
I drove to the next window and payed for the food.
"Here." I handed Shawn the cold pot.
He took a large spoonful and shovelled it into his mouth.
"Calm down Shawn." I giggled eating a fry and driving down the road.
"Sorry." He frowned as we pulled up at our house.
I got out of the car and Shawn slowly followed behind.
"Come on." I opened the door and he wandered in.
"I'm thirsty." He groaned slumping down on the sofa.
"I will get you a drink." I smiled and entered the kitchen.
I ran the tap and grabbed a glass. I filled the glass and walked slowly into the living room. Light snores escaped Shawns mouth as he  laid on the large sofa. I placed the drink on the coffee table and sat next to Shawn. I turned on the TV and relaxed.

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