Let Me Down Slowly

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This imagine is based off of the song ^^^ above. I highly recommend you listen to it while you read this. I really like this song and highly recommend it. 

Your POV

The icy air from the open window grazed against my bare legs as I sat on the sofa, in the living room, in silence. Dozens of thought clouded my already full mind as I slowly sipped my, now freezing cold, coffee. I sighed deeply as the bathroom door opened and shut up stairs, signalling that Shawn had finished his shower. I didn't move an inch when he made his way down the small flight of stairs and into the kitchen. 

Shawn and I's relationship had hit rock bottom over the past few months. He was hardly ever at home and when he was, he always found a way to stay away from me and we never really talked anymore. That was normal for us now but tonight when he got home it felt different. I got an uncomfortable feeling when he entered the door, as if I was waiting for something to happen but I didn't know what. 

After several minutes Shawn exited the kitchen and made his way back up the carpeted stairs. After a few moments he emerged at the bottom of the stairs with several bags. I knew where this was going. I turned away, not letting any emotion show on my face.

"Y/N, please come over here..." Shawn said sadly.
I slowly got up and made my way towards him, with my head down. Without saying a word Shawn pulled me into a tight embrace. Normally there was a spark but recently that was lost. His cold embrace made me shiver and I know he felt it too...I still loved him but recently I had found a way to turn off my emotions and feelings towards him because I could feel his love for me fading away. It was slipping through the cracks and neither of us were able to save it. He pulled away.
"Could you find a way to let me down slowly?" I sighed, allowing a single tear to roll down my red cold cheeks, "...Please..."
I looked into his eyes and he didn't say anything...Not a single word.
His face was covered with an emotionless expression and his body language portrayed that too. 
"...A little sympathy..." I looked down at the ground, "Surely I still deserve that still, right?" 
Yet again he said nothing.
"Please Shawn I'm begging you...Just say it. Let me down slowly." I rubbed my tired eyes, "Don't just cut me down, throw me out and leave me here to waste. Just be honest...I know we haven't talked recently but I'm still me. Please just say it..."
"I'm breaking up with you Y/N...I'm so sorry. I just don't love you anymore. I can see that our relationship has broken down and I need to leave. I don't hate you...God please don't ever think that but I have to go."
Shawn slowly made his way towards the door and turned around one last time, handing me his set of apartment keys.
"Goodbye Y/N." He said, leaving quickly, without giving me a chance to reply.

As the door slammed shut, a wave of panic and sadness overcame me. I fell in love with that man years ago and it was all gone. I wandered through the cold corridor and into the large bathroom. I dragged my feet across the tiled floor, reaching the sink. I glanced into the mirror and frowned. The bags under my eyes had doubled in size compared to normal and I looked tired. I was alone...I felt so lonely. For years I had shared this apartment with the love of my, so I thought, life, but now...It was just me. 

I began to breath deeply, tears spilling out of my tired, bloodshot eyes and I lifted one hand up, that was helping me to stand upright, from the sink to wipe my tear stained cheeks.  I could no longer hold up my drained body so I fell to the ground in a pile of shattered fragments. I was truly broken, on the outside...And the inside.

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