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Warning:Smut and Strong language

Your POV

"CAM GIVE IT BACK!" I jumped up, trying to grab my phone from Cameron.
"Make me!" Cameron joked.
I pushed Cameron and he fell onto the large sofa. I jumped onto him in an attempt to get my phone.
"Owww!" He held his chest.
I grabbed my phone and smirked,"Thank you!"
"Oi get back here." Cameron pulled me back down onto the sofa and began tingling me.
"Noooo...haha...Cam...haha...Stop!" I laughed.
"Nope!" Cameron carried on.
"Cam just fucking stop!" A familiar voice said.
I looked up and saw Shawn stood with an angry expression on his face.
"I will go..." Cameron got up and walked out silently.

"Shawn..." I began but he cut me off.
"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING Y/N?" Shawn asked angrily.
"He stole my phone and we were just play fighting." I told him.
"Bullshit Y/N." Shawn frowned.
"Shawn why are you so jealous? Cameron got us together so why are you so worried. In all honesty, I have known Cameron for most of my life..." I sighed,"If I liked Cam don't you think I would have tried it on with him by now."
"I'm sorry...I just get jealous..." Shawn looked down at the floor.
I stepped closer towards Shawn and pinned him against the wall. I stepped on my tiptoes and wispered in his ear,"I kinda like this side of you Shawn..."
"Do you now?" Shawn smirked,"Well I think you have been a very bad girl Y/N and bad girls need to be punished, isn't that right?"
"Yes..." I smiled.
"Yes what?" Shawn wispered.
"Yes daddy!" I replied.
"Good girl." Shawn smirked and turned us around so I was up against the wall.
He connected our lips roughly and pulled his leather jacket off. He grabbed my wrists and held them above my head with his hand. He ran his tongue over my bottom lip begging for entrance and I allowed it. His tongue explored my mouth and he released my hands from above my head. My hands wrapped around his neck, pulling his deeper into the kiss.
"Jump!" Shawn whispered into the kiss and I obeyed.
I wrapped my legs around Shawns waist and he placed his large hands on my ass. Shawn threw me onto the sofa and he crawled on top of me. He pulled off my T-shirt and dropped it on the floor. I pulled his T-shirt off and ran my hand down his perfectly toned torso.
"No touching...This is you punishment princess." Shawn pushed my hand away and unbuttoned his trousers.
"Sorry daddy." I frowned and I unbuttoned my shorts.
Shawn put his jeans on the floor and connected his lips to my red swollen ones. He unclipped the back of my bra and threw it on the floor.
"You are so beautiful princess." Shawn looked me up and down.
He placed one hand on my left breast and massaged it.
"Shawn..." I moaned.
"Y/N..." Shawn looked at me.
"S...sorry." I gasped in between moans.
He slowly inched my underwear down my legs.
"Hurry up!" I groaned.
"Princess..." Shawn smirked.
He took off his pants and his large member sprung up.
(She is on the pill btw)
He lined up with my entrance and pushed himself in. Moans filled the room as he thrusted in and out. He was being more rough than usual but I liked it. I hadn't seen this side of Shawn yet and to be honest it was really fucking sexy.
"F...Fuck princess you are so tight..." Shawn moaned loudly as he thrusted.
"D...Daddy f...faster!" I moaned and he sped up his pace.
"I'm close!" Shawn moaned into my neck.
"M...Me too daddy!" I moaned.
"Go baby!" Shawn smirked and released inside me.
He thrusted a few more times and then pulled out. He got up and dressed himself and I did the same.

"Sorry for being rough babe." Shawn hugged me tightly.
"It's alright...It kinda liked it. I should get you jealous more often." I joked.
"Don't try me!" Shawn playfully pushed me away.

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