Breakup-Part 2

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Shawns POV

I slammed the door and lent against it. I messed it all up! Like I always do...I love her so much and I let her go. Without her I'm nothing.
"FUCK!" I screamed and punched a hole in the wall.
My knuckles began to bleed and I groaned in pain.
I slid down the door and fell to the ground, pulling my knees up to my chest and crying into them.
"Fuck..." I groaned in anger and pain.
I pulled out the small box from my pocket and held it tightly in my hands. I had planned a whole day tomorrow but I messed that all up...
"No!" I got up and wiped my eyes, grabbing my phone and ringing B/F/N. I knew Y/N would go to her and I wanted her to help me out.
"Hello." I croaked down the phone.
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT YOU DICKHEAD!" B/F/N hissed down the phone.
"The kiss was just a mistake I was drunk. I know what I did was stupid but just let me tell you what I want to please..." I paused.
"Go on then." She replied bluntly.
"Tomorrow was...well is our three year anniversary and I was wondering if you could get Y/N in a certain place at a certain time so I can surprise her and yeah." I suggested.
"Well...She does still love you. She said she wanted to talk about what happened tomorrow so I guess it wouldn't be a bad idea." B/F/N said,"Where and when?"
"12:30 at the park we first met at." I said.
"Okay...What are you planning to do, I won't tell her?" She asked.
"Well...I was going to propose to her." I smiled, holding the small box in my hands.
"Oh my...Shawn! NO WAY!!" B/F/N half screamed,"She always talks about getting married to you."
"Don't tell her please." I said,"Do you think she will say yes?"
"Definitely Shawn. She still loves you...Right she is coming down the stairs I have to go. We will be there 12:30, bye." She said.
"Bye." I replied before hanging up.

Your POV

I sipped the warm tea and sighed. I was kinda harsh on him...I should have let him explain himself. Maybe it was just one big misunderstanding and now I messed it all up.
"What are you thinking about?" B/F/N sat beside me on the sofa and grabbed her drink from the coffee table.
"I should have let him explain himself..." I looked down,"Maybe it was just a misunderstanding."
"Why don't you spend the day with me tomorrow and then you can talk to him after. Just see how you feel." She suggested.
"You know what, that sounds like a good idea." I smiled.
"Right well we are gonna have a whole day out tomorrow so I'm going to bed. Everything is set up in the spare room for you." She got up.
"Thank you." I sipped my drink,"Goodnight."
"Goodnight." She headed up the stairs, towards her room.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now