Want you back

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I was listening to want you back by 5sos when I wrote this so yes it is based on the song kinda...


I say that I've moved on but have I really?

Shawn broke up with me just over 3 months ago and I'm still not over him. I know i should be but I just can't get over him. We were together for 3 years and he broke up with me because 'tour was putting a strain on our relationship'. It hurts to see him on TV and to hear him on the radio. He should be here...with me!

I grab my phone and keys, running out of the door of my flat and down the stairs. I decide to head down to the Starbucks near my house. I get there and enter. The warmth of the coffee shop hits me and my cheeks warm up. I head to the counter and order Y/F/D. My phone buzzes, notifying me that I have a notification. I unlock it, reading the tweet that popped up. It was Shawn! Yes I still had Shawn on twitter. The tweet said he was back in the city for a while...GREAT!

My name was called and I grabbed my drink, heading out of the shop and towards the park. I need to clear my head. I don't know what I would do if I say Shawn. He has probally moved on by now, someone new...Someone better. I wandered up gravel path, getting knocked out of my thoughts by a tall figure slamming into me. I fall to the ground, spilling my drink across the floor.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry!" A familiar voice said, offering a hand.
I got up and looked at the familiar figure. There he stood! Tears began to brim in my eyes as he looked at me in shock.
"Y/N!" He said in shock.
I turned on my heel and began to walk away, tears spilling from my eyes, down my face.
"Wait...Please." Shawn begged, grabbing by wrist.
I turned around angrily,"WHAT SHAWN?! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!"
"Please can we talk...?" He asked.
"Fine you have 5 minutes so you better hurry!" I sighed in defeat.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me around a corner and behined a tree.
"I'm sorry Y/N, it was a mistake. All of It! Breaking up with you, everything!" He said sadly.
I stood in silence, looking up at him. I wish I could say something...Something that doesn't sound insane.
"Y/N Please say something. I know, you know, I will never get over you. I thought it would be easier, but I have regretted it every second. I know i said I moved on but I didn't. I couldn't. I need you! I want you! I don't want any other girl." He half whispered, tears brimming in his eyes too.
"You know...Every morning I wake up and I still reach for you. All I thought about was what I did wrong Shawn...I still dream about us. I want us! I need us!" I said.

Shawn slowly lent in and I did the same. He placed his hands around my waist and I ran mine through his soft hair. I breathed in his scent and smiled. That was the only place I felt truly happy. With him! Shawn closed the gap between us and our lips touched. I kissed back, happily. The kiss was soft and gentle. It was almost as if Shawn was scared, scared to break me. Slowly we pulled back, but we stayed hugged together.
"No matter where I go I'm always gonna want you back." Shawn whispered.
"No matter how long you're gone, I'm always gonna want you back." I reply, kissing him again.

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