Bad Reputation

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Yes this is based off of Shawn's song Bad Reputation.

Your POV

I slowly walked, head down, hands in pockets and headphones on, down the road towards my house. I decided to take the long way home because I needed to have some fresh air and just breathe. Today had been a disaster! All of my 'friends' had humiliated me. Bryce had told everyone that I had sent him nudes and he showed everyone. I hadn't sent him nudes but no one believed me. Everyone thought I was a slut. Shawn was there as well. I had had a huge crush on him for the past 2 years and I already knew I had no chance  but no...He wouldn't even want to be friends with me. 

I turned the corner and made my way towards my doorstep. I opened the door, the warm air hitting me like a gust of wind, and jogged up the stairs. I entered my living room and collapsed on my sofa. My heart was broken! I had lost all of my 'friends' and now I had lost Shawn too.  Tears spilled down my cold face and I heard my door creak open. I turned towards the sound and saw Shawn stood in my doorway. He saw the tears rolling down my tear stained cheeks and ran over, embracing me into a tight hug. He held me and I let out all of my emotions...All of my anger, all of my sadness, all of the pain. Me just held me, rubbing my back. He wasn't disgusted by me, he didn't hate me. 

Shawn's POV

I held her in a tight embrace and rubbed her back, trying to comfort her. I hated seeing her like this. I loved her so much and it broke my heart to see her like this. Bryce was a dick! I knew he was just trying to make me jealous. He knew I liked hurt! He hurt her!

Your POV

"W-Why did you follow me h-here? I didn't think y-you would want to talk to m-me." I sobbed onto his chest.
"I love you Y/N and I know you didn't send him nudes. I believe you...I truest you!" Shawn intertwined our fingers together and smiled.
"R-really? Y-you  believe m-me?" I asked, shocked.
"Of course I do! I know you wouldn't do that Y/N. I know you are not like that. I know you have a bad reputation but I can see past that and I can see the nicest person inside." Shawn placed our foreheads together, "I don't care what they say about you baby. I know the real you and I know what you have been through. I know the weight on your shoulders and I know you are going through a difficult time. I want to help if you let me. I love you with my whole heart."
"I-I love you too Shawn." I smiled, looking into his eyes.
"You are all I want Y/N! Every single piece of you is perfect to me and all I need is you..." Shawn trailed off by the end.
"I want you too Shawn..." I smirked and he inched closer to me.
Our lips touched and butterflies exploded in my stomach. Or lips moved in sync and everything was perfect. It felt so much better than I could ever imagine. My hands ran through his soft hair and I melted into the kiss.

After a few more moments we pulled away and looked into each others eyes.
"Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me.
"I would love to." I smiled and embraced him in another hug.

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