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Your POV

I stood in the kitchen of Shawn and I's shared apartment,  stirring the sugar into my coffee.
"Are you sure you don't want anything whilst I'm up?" I asked Shawn who was sat on the sofa in our living room just a few metres away.
"No I'm okay thanks." Shawn replied with a sad tone in his voice.
I grabbed my mug of coffee and made my way into the other room, sitting beside Shawn on the sofa.

After a moment of silence I looked into Shawn's eyes trying to search for the answer to what was upsetting him without directly asking.
"What's wrong Shawn?" I questioned, "And please don't say 'nothing' because I know that's a lie."
"It's just...Don't worry, it's just me being stupid." Shawn sighed.
"Shawn I'm here to listen. I promise I won't judge you and I'll support you." I placed my coffee mug down and placed my hand into Shawn's.
"It's just I feel like I'm letting everyone down recently...Like every bit of music I create just doesn't feel right and if I release it the fans will hate it but if I don't the fans will be annoyed because there's no music. Everything is a mess and I just don't know what to do..." Shawn trailed off, looking at the ground.
"Hey look at me." I placed my finger under his chin, causing him to look into my eyes, "The fans will love whatever you put out because they know that you put your heart and soul into every vocal and cord. They will wait for you to release music in your own time because they know that you want everything you release to be perfect. I'm so incredibly proud of you and your music Shawn. You have an amazing talent and you sharing it with the world is enough for the fans."
"Thank you Y/N." Shawn pulled me into a tight embrace, "You always know what to say to cheer me up."

I hate this imagine but I need to post so I hope you guys enjoy anyway. If any of you have suggestions for imagine plots please leave them in the comments.

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