Accident-Part 2

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Your POV

*Time Skip*

I slowly shut the front door of our flat and walked in. The warmth of the hallway hit me and I began to sweat. I placed my coat on the hanger and stared at the other hook...The empty hook. His large, black leather jacket should have been there. His shoes should have been on the floor beside mine, his keys should be in the bowl with mine.

I walked into the kitchen and lent on the counter. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as I looked around our shared flat. I glanced towards the pictures on the wall. It was of Shawn and I on our first holiday together. We went to Disney because I had wanted to for years. We had our first kiss there, it was perfect! He dragged me on the ferris wheel and when we got to the top he just kissed me! No plans! Nothing! Once we got off he told me he loved me and I said it back. I really fact I still do love him. I will always love him.

I pressed my warm fingers against the cold glass of the photo frame. I wish I could jump into that moment and be with him again. Warm tears ran down my face and I breathed deeply.

The last time I saw him we argued. He wanted to stay out late but I wanted him to come back early. I wanted to tell him about me being pregnant. He always wanted children. He would have been the most amazing dad, I just know it. I know that we were young but we could have done it together. I can't do it alone.

I get dragged out of my thoughts by a knock at the door. I wipe my eyes and wandered towards the door. I opened it to reveal Karen and Manuel (Shawns parents). Karen embraced me in I tight hug and I cried on her shoulder.

"I know I should have called you...I'm sorry. I..." Manuel cut me off.
"Y/N it's fine. Don't worry." He replied.
We walked into the living room and sat on the sofa.
"I had so much to tell him." I frowned.
"Like what?" Karen questioned.
"It's just..." I began to cry.
"Sweetie you can tell us anything." Karen rubbed my back to comfort me.
"I was...I was going to tell him that I am pregnant...tonight..." Tears rolled down my red cheeks and I looked down at my stomach.
"Are you going to keep it?" Manuel asked.
"What...Of course I'm gonna keep it..." I frowned.
"I didn't mean it like that...sorry." Manuel sighed.
"How far?" Karen asked.
"Two months. I found out when he was on tour and he came back today. I wanted to tell him in person so I could see his true reaction." I sighed,"He always told me that he wanted children in the future. I knew we were young but I believe we could have done it together...What am I supposed to do without him? I have no one..."
"Y/N you have us. Your baby is my granddaughter or grandson and if it's okay with you I would like to have him or her in my life." Karen said.
"Really?" I asked shocked.
"Yes...Please come and stay with us for a while. It doesn't have to be permanent but for now." She offered.
"I don't want to intrude." I looked down.
"You won't be Y/N. You are practically family." Manuel smiled.
"Thank you." I smiled and hugged them both.

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