Flower | 11 o'clock

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Flower | 11 o'clock

Zayn was told by Liam that he has gotten Yarlemy's number yesterday. He couldn't believe that his bestfriend would go out of his way just to practically set them both up. Zayn wasn't ready for a relationship and Liam knew that but sometimes he forgot important details of his friend's life. Liam was happy for Zayn and he wanted to set them both up because he was good at taking chances, and majority of those chances turned out good. He had luck for the both of them and he made a bet with Demi that they would be together—on a short side note Liam and Demi recently started dating last weekend.

"So when are you going to text her?" Liam asks flopping on the couch next to a quiet Zayn who frowned at his question. "Don't look at me like that, I was just asking a question mate."

"Y-You..talk too m-much," Zayn complains with a small groan.

"Wait? I'm just trying to get you a girlfriend," Liam says shrugging.

"No," Zayn mutters shaking his head, not liking that term or concept from him.

"Oh come on, she's pretty and she seems very nice," Liam says.

"So?" Zayn shrugs.

"So?" Liam mocks. "She pretty much gave you her number and you're not gonna take this chance? Wow Zayn, I thought I taught you better than that when it came to the ladies."

Zayn got up from the couch, huffing and stomping away from his irrational friend. He heard Liam call his name but he just kept going upstairs so he could isolate himself in his bedroom.

"Aw mate, come on," Liam groans knocking on the door.

Zayn curled himself into a ball in a corner. Tears slightly falling down his face as he thinks about how much of wussy he was being. Soon Liam came in his room seeing His friend in a fetus position. Zayn quickly wiped his tears from his face and looked away.

"Listen Zayn, I'm sorry, okay? I should have never pressured you in the first place. If you don't want to text her then do what you want because it's your life. Again, I'm sorry," Liam apologized and helped his friend up off the ground to pull him into a big bro hug.

"T-Thanks," Zayn sniffed.

"It's going to be alright mate. Don't cry on me because it makes me a bit emotional," Liam says kissing his forehead and ruffing up his hair a little bit.

"Fine," Zayn sighs and wiped his face.

Four years ago when Zayn first started college he was a very shy boy and he was always alone. This is way before he had ever met Liam, and sometimes he wishes that he could have been friends with him sooner. People knew that he was autistic and he didn't mind people knowing that he was "special" but that made him a target. People would sometimes pick on him and they would make him do or say things that would make him look stupid. Zayn didn't know so he followed the crowd which was a mistake.

Only being 19 years old he had no idea that people would want to make him look stupid. He just wanted to be cool so he could "fit in" with everybody else. Then one night there was this girl who came to his dorm, tricking Zayn into sneaking out so they could go to her dorm. She was a cheerleader and he wanted to take his chance at being "cool" but what he didn't know is that she has been watching him for a very long time and he was going to be her next target. Zayn didn't know what was going to happen, but he followed her every move like he was her shadow.

That night the girl locked Zayn into her dorm and took his virginity away. She had him tied up, naked, and physically beaten till his eyes were almost swollen. She had raped him, knowing that he couldn't stand up for himself even if he really wanted to. Zayn couldn't fight back, he was a fragile boy and his parents told him that it was wrong to hit girls so Zayn couldn't do anything but let everything happen. After she had stole away his innocence she kept him tied up and naked until the next morning where she let him go.

It was the main reason why Zayn felt really pressured when Liam starts talking about how he needed to text Yarlemy. Liam didn't know that Zayn was ever raped in college, and Zayn plans on keeping it that way. After what happened four years ago he doesn't want to get involved with women because he knows that some women can easily take advantage of him. Yarlemy gave Zayn butterflies, she has already made him weak and he didn't want that to happen ever again. No matter how pretty or even nice she was, he wasn't going to let her take advantage of him.

"Just sleep on it tonight, okay? No pressure because the decision is up to you," Liam patted Zayn's shoulder before he left his bedroom and his apartment.

Zayn sighed, being tired since today was a very long day mentally and emotionally. Liam brought food over so he had already ate with him earlier so he decided that he would take a very long shower so he could get comfortable and get ready for bed.

Once he got out of the shower he got into his bed and snuggled in his soft duvet covers. Grabbing his phone from the charger he looked at what time it was and it was almost 11 o'clock at night.

He debated if he should text Yarlemy or not. Right now he just wanted to test the waters before he dived in. He was just a small deer when it came to this jungle of life.

Going to his contacts he found Yarlemy's name all the way at the bottom of his contact list. He tapped her name and saw the text message icon appear on his phone. Waiting for a few minutes he decided that he would text her.

- hello , it's Zayn

Just as Zayn sent that a few seconds later he got a text back.

- hey handsome ;)


ZAYN ABOUT TO DIIIIVVVEEE IN 💦😉 lol but I want you guys to know that I am going to be posting 3-5 chapters at a time so yeah .

- BookOfBandz

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