Flower | The Friends

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Flower | The Friends

"Yarlemy, why are you late?" Asks Stacey, the boss of Loreal's Beauty Boutique which was a small shop owned by Loreal that allowed rich people to get their makeup and hair personally done by professionals without buying any makeup products. This is where Yarlemy worked, and the main reason she moved from Chile.

The dark skinned woman cringed, she looked at her boss and sighed, "There was heavy traffic, I'm sorry."

"Try me again and you're fired," Stacey says huffing then walking away, her heels clicking against the marble floor as her long blonde hair swayed side to side.

Sighing Yarlemy went to her station to make sure that all of her supplies were neat. There was much traffic and it was hard to find a taxi as well. Stacey was a really mean and an uptight boss. Yarlemy barely got this job in the first place and she couldn't risk losing it because she would be broke since this job paid a lot of money.

Soon there came in Demi Lovato, a co-worker of Yarlemy and they were good friends. She was from the states, and she was very fierce as well as confident.

"Hey Lemy," greets the fairly tan woman who had black hair and a nice curvy fame, along with a great smile

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"Hey Lemy," greets the fairly tan woman who had black hair and a nice curvy fame, along with a great smile.

"Hey Demi," the other woman greets.

"So how you been?" Asks Demi.

"Living life, I guess," Yarlemy shrugs tiredly.

Yarlemy Rosa was a dark skinned woman from Chile. She was born and raised there by her parents with her several other siblings. She had graduated highschool and attended cosmetology school. Wanting to pursue her dreams she applied for this job and moved all the way to England. She knew it was going to be different from her home and she had to accept everything that came her way including her finances and finding a home. Not only was she passionate about human art, but she believed that all woman had their true inner beauty that should be released in some shape or form.

Being only twenty-two she had to work hard or else she wouldn't be where she is right now. She remembers having two jobs while she went to cosmetology school just to save up enough money for herself. Her parents didn't want her to move across seas but they weren't going to hold her back. They knew that she was passionate about this job and they wanted her to be happy. Her parents always told her 'if you want something then you better work and go get it' and Yarlemy lived by that motto. She worked hard and now she is living her big dream.

"Is everything okay?" Asks Demi with a look of concern on her face, wondering why her friend looked all gloomy.

"I had a really tough week so far and I just want it to be the weekend already," Yarlemy admits to her.

"You'll get through whatever you're going through, alright? And if you need anything then just let me know," Demi spoke flashing her a smile.

"Thanks chica," Lemy giggles.

Soon enough a man came in with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. Smiling at Demi as he approached her.

"Liam, what are you doing here?" Demi blushes.

"Just came to surprise you," the man named Liam says pulling her into a hug as he kissed her forehead. "These are for you."

"Thank you," Demi took the flowers and placed them in a vase then turned around to kiss his lips.

Lemy stood there awkwardly, she turned around to mind her own business. Becoming slightly sad that she didn't have a man of her own that would surprise her and bring her flowers while she was at work. She was always that friend that was left out when it came to relationships and a lot of other things in life.

"Wait, aren't you Yarlemy?" Liam asks recognizing the beautiful girl right off the back. It hard to miss her, she was very pretty and it was a shame that she didn't know that herself.

She turned around to face the man who knew her name, she frowned, "Yes..and how do you know me?"

"I'm friends with Zayn, you know, the lucky guy that paid for your food?" Liam says bringing up yesterday's events.

"Oh Zayn?" She asks curiously as her cheeks grew a bit hot. "He's a very sweet guy and I wish I can thank him more because I do owe him."

"He wouldn't mind Yarlemy, he's very fond of you," Liam says dropping that in.

"He is?" Lemy wonders.

"In matter of a fact we were just talking about you, and he thinks that you are very breathtaking,"Liam also adds knowing he wasn't suppose to tell.

"Date him," Demi immediately says after that little piece of information.

"Shut up Demi," Lemy says rolling her and looking back at Liam. "So what am I suppose to do if he's very fond of me?"

"It's hard for him to open up to women since he's a very shy guy. But he's been talking about you since yesterday and I'm pretty sure he likes you," Liam tells her.

Lemy felt her cheeks getting hot just thinking about it, "H-How can you be so sure?"

"He's my best mate and I just know," Liam cheeses.

"Well, give him my number and tell him to text me," Lemy says with a confident smile.

Liam pulled out her phone and got Yarlemy's number. He smiled and saved her contact, "I hope you guys start dating and make babies."

Yarlemy laughed shaking her head as she pushed him out of the boutique, "Boy get outta here!"

"Nice seeing you Yarlemy! Bye baby!" Liam calls out just before he was kicked out of the shop.


jus wait on it ;) oh and btw that's Yarlemy in the media 💓🍫

- BookOfBandz

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