Flower | On Saturdays

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Flower | On Saturdays

Last night the kiss felt phenomenal. It felt special and it felt downright amazing. Zayn just experienced the greatest feeling ever and he has been playing it over and over again. Not only was that his first real kiss but he shared it with a very important person. Yarlemy is a special person and she has done so much for Zayn. She may not know how perfect she is, but she is the main reason why Zayn has grown more into his own person. And best and believe this, he wasn't afraid to call Yarlemy his lover.

It wasn't all about the perfections of a relationship. It was about the sentimental and raw side of love. What they are experiencing is nothing but love and it felt great. Yarlemy has been ran over many times but guys, and yet that has not stopped her from seeking that special someone no matter how many mistakes she makes while doing it. On the other hand, Zayn has been ran over one time and that is all it took for him to build a wall around himself. And now, his walls are slowly breaking down day by day.

He loved every second of the kiss that he shared with Yarlemy last night. The sweet taste of strawberry on her lip gloss was distinct and her lips were so perfect. Yes, it was his first time actually kissing a girl and he was very nervous. She showed him the way without explaining anything to him. Yarlemy moved her lips slowly yet she made it so passionate. Zayn could feel the electric shockwaves going through his body the moment their lips collided. She was so considerate that she made sure that Zayn was enjoying the kiss. And that man was over the moon happy.

After it happened they were both a bit speechless and shocked. Call it cliche but it was probably the dreamiest kiss they have ever been in. Zayn's face of course was as red as a tomato while Yarlemy's cheeks were hurting due to her smiling so much. It was like they were teenagers who just shared their first kiss and it was such a cute sight. Soon enough they went into the living room to eat pizza while they watched a whole season of Cake Wars before falling asleep on the couch, where they ended up in each other's arms.

So it was in the morning and you could probably predict that they were in that same "wrong-looking" position they were in a while ago. Yarlemy was on her back, her head laying against the sofa while Zayn was on top of her, his head resting on her boobs while his arms were securely holding her hips. Sometimes, he thought it better to have her cuddle with him instead of sleeping in his own bed alone with no one to hold.

Soon enough Yarlemy was waking up and she saw the sun shining on Zayn's perfect golden kissed skin. He was so perfect and Yarlemy adored him so much.

His lips, his eyes, his beard, his hair, his nose...his facial features were everything and not to mention his body was quite warm. The way he was laying down on her was adorable and she tried to hard to hold in her laugh. He was sleeping like a little baby, but this baby was a man, he was her man.

Well..her man baby.

Yarlemy has developed feelings for him ever since the first day she meet him. He wasn't like the others, but he was really unique in his own way. But not too long ago she was told by Liam that he had autism and it was a type of mental disorder.

Hearing Liam explain what the term was difficult to process. Yarlemy wasn't just ignorant, she has heard of the word "autism"/"autistic" many times before due to the fact that her mother works with special needs kids back in Chile, but she has never met anybody with that condition except for Zayn.

Liam explained that he was "a special lad" and it wasn't offensive since he was actually one of a kind. He was such a special person and most people took that out of context and make the word "special" into some type of an offensive slur. They have been best mates since college and he knew a lot about Zayn. So, as a great wingman Liam helped Yarlemy with a few red flags to watch out for, but she also had to learn a few things on her own.

"Lemy," Zayn mumbled in his sleep, his eyes fluttered open to look up at her then away.

"Hey babe," Yarlemy says warmly, the reason he woke up is because she put her hand in his hair and started to massage his scalp. She had magic hands.

"H-Heelloo," he murmured against her boobs. "I-I'm..so h-happy."

"You are?" Yarlemy questions looking down at the precious man.

He nodded, "Very," he yawned.

"Well, I'm happy too since we're being honest. I've been really happy ever since I met you," she admits.

Zayn looked at her curious eyes, those hazel pools staring into her dark ones, "R-Really?"

"Really really," she tells him.

"Lemy..Lemy s-so nice," he giggles then squeezed her body. "A-And warm."

Yarlemy giggled herself, "You're very warm too and I don't feel like getting up."

"P-Please..please don't," he sighs resting his head on her boobs once again.

"I won't Zayn," Yarlemy hums running her fingers through his gorgeous hair.

"L-Lemy..Lemy c-comfortable?" Zayn asks with his eyes closed.

"I am, and are you comfortable?" Lemy asks.

"Very," he yawns again. "A-And happy."

"Great," Yarlemy yawned, and laid her head back on the couch. "I think I'm going to go back to sleep."

"S-Sounds..sounds nice," Zayn yawned as well and got himself comfortable.

And that is how they spent their Saturday.


i am really satisfied with this book 😊

- BookOfBandz

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