Flower | New Lessons

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Flower | New Lessons

When Yarlemy came back to her apartment yesterday Zayn was impatient to hear what happened while she was gone. Her plan was to fight Stacey but instead she ended up getting an apology which was kinda nice but Yarlemy still wanted to fight for several other reasons. Not only did she hurt Zayn in the past but she has caused emotional damage to Yarlemy as well and she wanted to release all that anger just using her hands. Yarlemy was raised not to show mercy or weakness, but she ended up showing some mercy on the blonde instead of fighting her.

Of course Zayn was quite disappointed in Yarlemy when she told him the truth. He didn't like violence of any sort, and he also believed in karma so he didn't have to worry about making sure that Stacey was getting payback for what she did years ago. It was a crime and he knew that, but it was years ago and he wasn't going to show cruelty towards her because that was not in his character. He knew that she apologized and that is all he could ever want, if she knew what she did was wrong then he could get through life not caring about her anymore. Yarlemy didn't have to fight all of his battles especially if he didn't want to fight them, so he let it all go.

So they had their first small argument about this situation. Yarlemy thought payback was the right idea, but Zayn thought otherwise. They bickered back and forth until Zayn decided that it was better for him to leave. Of course that is when Yarlemy started to feel guilty and wanted him to stay, but Zayn was leaving regardless because he just needed space. They haven't been dating for a full week and yet Zayn is quite upset with Yarlemy. So he left her flat and went to his own, of course telling her that he loves her before he walked out.

That left Yarlemy all by herself with her golden cat named Honey. She was sad that her "one day boyfriend" left her and she was also upset with herself for arguing with him. They both had different point of views and Yarlemy didn't want to listen to his side so she tried to persuade him that her side was right. The moment he got up to leave that is when she begged him to stay. Zayn told her that the window is still open whenever that want to talk about it again. That is when she regrets being so ignorant.

"Zayn? Could I please come please?" Yarlemy asks softly with those sad dark almond shaped eyes, hoping that he would hear her out.

Zayn nodded and allowed his girlfriend into his home. He still placed a sweet kiss on her cheek, letting her know that she still has his heart.

"Thank you," Yarlemy took off her hoodie and her shoes before taking his hand and guiding him to his famous white couch.

"W-Want..to t-talk now?" Zayn asked gently.

Yarlemy nodded, "I just want to say that I am sorry about yesterday. You have every right to be mad at me and I feel stupid for arguing with you."

"L-Lemy..Lemy not s-stupid..just a bit s-stubborn," he giggles quietly poking her forehead with his index finger.

"I know and I'm sorry for not hearing you out," Yarlemy apologizes. "I'm kinda new at this relationship thing and I don't want us to have a bad start."

"No w-worries," he then leaned in to kiss her lips, giggling at his actions just seconds later.

"So you're not mad at me?" Yarlemy asks nervously.

"N-Never..never mad," he frowns shaking his head. "N-Needed space..s'all."

"Okay," she released a deep breath then smiled at her boyfriend. "I love you."

"M-Much love," Zayn smiles and kissed her nose.

"I can't stand being away from you," she groans wrapping her arms around his small frame.

"G-Guess so," he trails off playing with the outside hairs of her bun absentmindedly.

"I miss you," she says snuggling against his warm body.

Zayn rolled his eyes playfully at that statement, "B-Been..been not a d-day Lemy."

"That doesn't mean that I didn't miss you," she whines sitting up just to kiss all over his face.

"Lemy!" Zayn giggled trying to get her to stop but there was no use.

"I miss kissing your handsome face," Yarlemy smiles batting her eyelashes at him.

Zayn did that thing where he blushed and tried not to smile. He would roll his lips in and pretty much become all shy. It was worth witnessing.

Yarlemy licked her lips looking at him, then a lightbulb went off in her head, "I wanna try something."

"L-Lemy," Zayn groaned when she straddled his lap, he was not use to her being on top of him like this and he wondered what on earth is she gonna do to him.

"Trust me chico," she hums just before she started to kiss his cheek then down to his scuff then to his neck which she found his ticklish spot when he began to giggle.

"T-T-Tickles," Zayn laughs as his grip on her thighs tighten absentmindedly when she continued to kiss that spot.

"Oh that's your ticklish spot?" Yarlemy questions with a mischievous smile forming against her lips.

Zayn nodded with a boyish grin on his face.

"Then let me see what else I can find," she smirks.

"W-What?" Zayn stuttered with his eyes wide in curiosity. He didn't know if that was suppose to be a good thing or a bad thing when she wants to "find" something else.

"Stay calm," she whispers before kissing his ticklish spot once again then moving lower down his neck.

Zayn's eyes rolled to the back of his head once she found his other lucky spot. It was down his neck, just millimeters up from is collar bone, the deep basin that was away from his wing tattoo on his chest. He released a low groan and his large hands gripped her thighs like it was going to save his life. Zayn felt something that he has never felt before. It didn't occurred to him that he was getting an erection from her straddling his lap while she bit and sucked on his skin that was quite sensitive. He didn't know if he should tell her to get off or let her continue with her actions. But he totally freaked out when she kissed his lips and moved herself closer to his hardness which resulted her to pull back in worry.

"I am so sorry," Yarlemy apologizes biting her bottom lip. "Is this too far?"

Zayn's face was beet red right now. He didn't know what to do exactly or why he was feeling this way, but his hands did cup his front trying to hide himself from her.

Yarlemy knew what was going on now. She lifted his chin up so their eyes could meet, "Zayn, you don't have to be embarrassed, okay? It's natural thing to be turned on babe, it's a regular feeling."

"L-Light switch?" Zayn frowns generally confused.

"Kinda but not quite," Yarlemy says running her hand down his body, stopping when she got to his lower stomach for the sake of him not freaking out but he was internally screaming right now. "But you're on the right track I guess."

"C-Confused..Z-Zayn knows," he sighs sadly.

"Don't talk down on yourself babe. We're going to learn and experiment our intimate relationship together. You're not alone in this," Yarlemy assured.

Zayn rolled his lips to the side then looked at his girlfriend, "S-Science?"

Yarlemy giggled a little bit and kissed his lips, Whatever floats your boat babe."


" all you ladies pop your pussy like dis " 😂😂💀💀

idk what's wrong with me I'm sorry for that ^ smdh

- BookOfBandz

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