Flower | Ride Offers

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Flower | Ride Offers

Yarlemy had slept through three of her alarm clocks and now she was thirty minutes late to work. This was her second time oversleeping and she felt like shit, plus she knew that Stacey was going to chop her head off when she gets there. Not only was she thirty minutes late, but it took her almost two hours to get ready for work anyway. She had to do her morning routine, do her hair and makeup, find an outfit to wear, eat breakfast, and to catch a cab. This England life was stressful.

The reason why she overslept is because she stayed up all night texting Zayn. They had a pretty nice conversation and she was very intrigued by him. Zayn gave off this mysterious vibe and Yarlemy was willing to solve it all out. He was quite humorous and seems like a down to earth kind of guy which she found attractive. Yet, she didn't him like that and she didn't want to get too ahead of herself because she knows how it feels to get heartbroken after rushing into a relationship. She did not want to get her or his feelings hurt.

Now don't get her wrong, she thought Zayn was extremely handsome and she liked how much of a gentleman he was. She didn't know why he paid for her food and she didn't know why he wanted to have a very long conversation just by texting her. Yarlemy didn't find herself attractive because she was always around negativity when she was growing up. Especially during school because people always made fun of how dark she is and how much of an "African child" she is really is, even though she was not the only dark skinned female in her country.

With all that being said, she was always the type of person to focus on everybody else but her. She made sure that others around her felt good about themselves even if that meant letting her confidence drop tremendously. Yarlemy has not yet learned how to love herself and her flaws. It is very easy to get lost in life and she is trying so hard to get back on track. That meant she didn't take everything too seriously, it was like she brush past everything that was ever good, she was just afraid of getting hurt and having her feelings crushed.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Huffed Yarlemy who felt light raindrops pouring down on her head. The extensions she had in right now were perfect and she couldn't have them ruined because it literally took forever for her to find a right hair store to get her bundles. It was a real struggle out here.

Already late she woke up in a pissy mood and she didn't have time for anybody's bullshit today. All she wanted to do is get into a cab and go to work—where she hopes she won't get fired from.

She lived in some mediocre apartments just a few miles from her job. She had walked a few times to work because she woke up super early to do that. Yarlemy had walked pretty much halfway and she didn't want to walk any further. Today, she needed to get there quick because she could not walk in this rain and have her hair ruined.

"Hello!" She waved her hand as a taxi drove by but it did not stop for her. Sighing, she tried again and sadly no taxi stopped for her.

You see, this is what she really regrets the most because she is having such a hard time being in a new country. She didn't know what to do and it really made her really sad which meant that her stress levels were going up. She wanted to quit and go home based off the circumstances right now.

Soon enough a black big body pulled up right next to her and the car door opened. There came Zayn Malik himself getting out and walking towards Yarlemy.

"Heelloo," he spoke with a very soft voice as he looked everywhere but her, he was nervous and he had surprised himself for actually talking to her.

"Hi Zayn," she says with a tight smile, finding his presence comforting even though she really wanted to get hit by a car right now.

"Ride?" Zayn tries to asks, wondering if this is what she wanted or not.

"Me? Oh no, I'll just call a taxi," Yarleny declined his offer, shaking her head because she didn't want him to do anything else nice for her.

"Lemy..it's rain..n-no walk..n-no taxi," Zayn says looking down at his feet as he was practically saying 'it's raining and I don't want you to walk or catch a taxi'.

Yarlemy shook her head, "But you already paid for my food and I don't want you to—,"

"Ride..please? N-Nice..of me," Zayn begs finally looking at her for a few seconds then looking back down.

Yarlemy sighed, she couldn't deny his voice or his pretty eyes, "Fine."

"Great," Zayn said in an awkward tone before beckoning her to the black big body so he could open the door for her.

Yarlemy smiled then she got in the car to see a driver in the front seat. Soon Zayn hopped in and sat next to her in the backseat where he still created some space for the both of them.

"And where are we headed to?" Asks the driver.

"L'Oreal's Beauty Boutique," says Yarlemy while shivering since she was cold, all she had on was some jeans and a hoodie with some chucks.

Zayn reached up front to turn on the heat seeing how she started shivering. When he came to sit back down his hand mindlessly brushed against her thigh which made him blush just a tiny bit. He didn't mean to do it on purpose, but Yarlemy didn't seem to mind at all.

The ride was silent as they took Yarlemy to work. She mainly looked out of the window because she didn't want to look at Zayn because she felt embarrassed, even though he didn't mind giving her a ride at all.

When they stopped on front of the salon she turned to look at him, "Thank you Zayn, I really do owe you."

"It's..okay," he says with a little shrug.

Yarlemy gave him a soft smile and decided that she would lean in to give him a small kiss on the cheek, but Zayn had flinched and moved away from her, making her heart drop.

Blinking repeatedly she quickly got out of the car while mumbling, "I'm sorry, I have to go."

The young woman quickly walked inside the salon and went far away from the windows. Just as she turned around she could see the big vehicle pulling off almost as if Zayn made sure that she got in safely.

She went all the way to the back of the salon, earning weird stares from customers and her co-workers. She sat on a black leather couch and groaned.

"I'm so stupid," Yarlemy slapped her forehead, just recalling how she got swerved while trying to show some affection on the first move and it was very embarrassing. "Never again Lemy."

"Yarlemy!" Shouted Stacey who walked in the back area of the salon with a pissed off expression. "Why are you late? And what do you have on?"

"I'm told you traffic is horrible Stacey," Yarlemy says to her with a sigh.

"Well maybe you should get up early so you can make it on time. And by the way, we do not wear that attire to work," Stacey says pointing at Yarlemy like she was a disgusting bug.

Yarlemy frowned looking down at her outfit then back at her boss, "What's wrong with this?"

"You look like hell Yarlemy! I would send you home to change but that would be just too much. You need to start looking nicer because I won't have my employees representing me the way you are," Stacey ranted.

Yarlemy remained silent for risk of losing her job. Her spirits were now crushed completely.

"Now go out there because we have customers," Stacey says snapping her fingers at Yarlemy.

She tiredly got up from the couch and walked to the main part of the salon where everybody looked at her as if they heard everything that was said in the back room.

This was going to be a long day.


just want to show you a few struggles that Yarlemy has to go through . next chapter will show you a bit of Zayn's side .

- BookOfBandz

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