Flower | Upside Down

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Flower | Upside Down

The moment when Yarlemy found out who raped Zayn she nearly lost her marbles. He told her everything yesterday and it was a very important thing for him to do. He confessed that it was his darkest secret and he is happy that Yarlemy, his new girlfriend, listened to him and of course she was supportive. Yes, she could be deported back to her country but that didn't stop her from doing something she should have done a long time ago. This person was begging to get their ass whooped the moment Yarlemy met them.

It was Stacey.

"I'll be right back, okay?" Yarlemy says putting her hair into a messy bun.

"Lemy," Zayn says in a tone looking at his half dressed girlfriend. "W-Where to?"

"Just to take care of something important. I'll be right back so don't worry," Yarlemy then slipped over black hoodie over her body.

"Lemy," Zayn spoke again in the same tone, wanting her to tell him what's going on.

"Zayn," Yarlemy sung going over to straddle his lap. "I'll be fine."

He gulped at the closeness of their bodies, she was sitting on top of his member and she currently just had her panties on. Honestly he didn't know how to feel about it but he kinda liked it, so he casually placed his hands on the sides of her thick chocolate thighs and released a deep breath, "I-I..know w-what..what Lemy is..t-thinking please..d-don't..uhm please?"

"Just let me go," she whines hating that he was currently begging, it was like he could see right through her and what she was going to do.

"No," Zayn spoke with a firm voice as he laced his fingers around her body.

"Zayn," Yarlemy groans into his bare chest, wondering how she was going to leave.

"No," he then kissed the top of her head, satisfied that he had her trapped.

"I'll be right back," she says with her head popping up. "Let me go and we can cuddle all you want."

"C-Can't stay? F-For me?" Zayn spoke in a much softer and sadder voice that made her heart break.

"This is important, okay? Just let me leave and I'll come running back to you," Yarlemy kissed his lips softly before sliding off his lap and throwing on some leggings and her shoes. After she was dressed she planted another kiss on his lips before walking out the door.

It was now the month of August and so far Yarlemy's life has been a roller coaster ever since she moved to England. Just two days ago she had quit her dream job and walked out of that salon for good. She saved up so much money and spent hours of working two jobs just to be fired over some bullshit. It was her dream to work at a hightop salon and go to competitions to compete, but she had quit the job because she couldn't bare it any longer. And honestly, she should have stopped working there a long time ago.

Stacey was a bitch for no reason towards Yarlemy ever since she was hired. She was rude, disrespectful, unfair, and said so many racist insults that Yarlemy couldn't count. At first it was bad, but as the months went along it got worse. She remembers that she couldn't even take her own lunch break because Stacey quote on quote says "You take too many lunch breaks and you should be working" and that made Yarlemy so upset to the point that she was going to quit. But now, Yarlemy did not work there and Stacey was no longer her boss anymore.

"Welcome to L'Oreal's Beauty Boutique, how may I help you?" A very new employee says with a smile, all of them were replaced.

"Is Stacey here?" Yarlemy asks ignoring the stares she was receiving.

"Why sure, she's in the back," says the happy blonde.

Yarlemy forced a smile all until she greeted the blonde devil herself, painting her nails while humming a sweet tune.

"See you got new employees, yeah?" Yarlemy spoke scaring the life out of Stacey who held her chest with a shocked expression on her face. Wondering why on earth is she back in this shop.

"Well duh because everybody quit because of you," Stacey scoffs screwing the top of the nail polish back on.

"No chica, everybody quit because of you. Don't you dare blame me because I have been so respectful towards you ever since I started working here and you have been so rude to me. I don't understand why I even stayed because you are probably the worst boss I have ever had," Yarlemy argues.

"Then why didn't you quit?" Stacey popped out of her seat and got all up in Yarlemy's face. "Why did you keep working, huh?"

Yarlemy backed up a couple steps and called up her fists, "Because I wanted to give you chance for you to warm up to me. You were all nice to the others, so why couldn't you treat me the same way?"

Stacey gulped, her eyes looking down at her wet nails, "B-Because I like you."

"What?" Yarlemy was taken back, and she hopes that Stacey had a different meaning to what she just said.

"I like you Yarlemy, okay?" Stacey croaks. "I always liked you ever since you walked in the door. Everybody liked you and I was just so jealous. You are so beautiful and you steal everybody's attention..a-and I was just envious of you."

"So that is why you were mean to me and wanted to embarrass me in front of everybody? B-Because you like me?" Yarlemy was totally confused and that frustrated her so much; she was in a ridiculous situation.

Stacey nodded her blonde hair in shame, "You have been on my mind ever since you walked out. A-And I miss you so much."

"Well I'm sorry but I don't feel the same way about you," Yarlemy stayed bluntly crossing her arms. "You have crossed the lines so many times and I can't respect you as a person for all the things you said about me."

"I know you don't and I don't expect you too," Stacey sniffed as tears fell down her face continuously. "I just wanted somebody to like me."

It was impossibly hard not to throw the hands right now. She was crying and Yarlemy was trying to hold herself back from comforting her. Stacey did something terrible years ago and Yarlemy was here trying to play the role as karma, but it seems like everything wasn't going to go as planned.

"I know I'm a horrible person and I am so sorry for all the trouble I caused," Stacey apologizes.

"I accept your apology but it was not okay to disrespect me for several months, especially if I was struggling in this new country," Yarlemy says in a calm tone.

Stacey then wrapped her arms around Yarlemy for a hug she needed desperately. Yarlemy was hesitant at first but she caved in and hugged her back as she shushed the blonde's cries.

"It's going to be alright," Yarlemy says softly.

"Thank you," Stacey wiped her stained makeup and pulled away from the hug.

"Is there anything else you want to say?" Yarlemy asks.

Stacey nodded as her eyes watered again, "T-Tell Zayn that I am so sorry for what I d-did in college. It was very wrong of me and I will never forgive myself for taking advantage of him because I still can't sleep at night till this day. I am truly sorry."

"I will, but I think it's best if we don't see each other anymore," Yarlemy says crossing her arms over her chest.

"I understand," the blonde nods. "Thank you."

Yarlemy then released a deep breath and walked out of the salon for good this time.


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- BookOfBandz

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