Flower | Vero Dates

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Flower | Vero Dates

- I am so sorry about the way I acted yesterday. I didn't mean to embarrass you or make you feel uncomfortable in anyway. Uhm..please text me if you get this.

"So she tried to kiss you?" Liam asks once again for clarity.

"N-Not on..lips, okay? On c-cheek," Zayn tells him briefly.

"Why didn't you let her kiss you mate?" Liam asks with a curious look.

Zayn shook his head, "F-Freaked out."

"It must be something bigger if you moved away from her like that," Liam says giving his friend a look.

Zayn didn't mean to make everything awkward on purpose. He honestly did freak out because he didn't know what to do. He knew that she wanted to give him a small cheek kiss and he would have left her if he wasn't so paranoid all the time. Yarlemy seemed like a gentle soul and Zayn could tell by her persona but that didn't mean that he was gonna let her be all on him. Zayn had specific standards and he had tight boundaries as well. Maybe he was being dramatic about freaking over a cheek kiss from her, then maybe he wasn't.

- it's totally fine handsome. i shouldn't have been too straight forward, i just wanted to show you some appreciation.

- It's my fault for freaking out. You just make me kind of nervous.

- 😏😏 how so?

Liam saw it how much his friend was blushing, "What happened mate?"

Zayn shook his head and replied.

- I just think you're really pretty :)

- aw☺️ thank you babe.

- It's nothing really.

- well, I think you're extremely handsome just to let you know😉

Zayn turned off his phone and held it to his chest. He felt butterflies swarming right now. His phone went off again and he looked at it.

- you know you seem like a really nice guy. im sorry again for making things weird.

- Don't apologize Lemy, it's okay.

- i should take you out to lunch since i'm off today, and plus I do owe you.

- I'll go if I'm paying.

- no babe

"Liam..Liam," Zayn tapped his friend shoulders and showed him the black and white text on his phone with a cheesy smile.

His friend took his phone and started to smirk, "Yup, she likes you mate."

"H-How?" Zayn asks.

"First, she thinks that you are extremely handsome. Second, she wants to take you out for lunch. This looks like the beginning stages to me," Liam says handing his friend back his phone.

"Y-You..think s-she likes..Z-Zayn?" He asks with a shy smile.

"I'm pretty sure she likes you mate. Now text her back so she won't be paranoid, because women always get kinda moody when they don't get a text back," Liam explains.

Zayn looked at his phone and replied.

- okay, I'll go out with you..I mean if it is a date

flower | zayn malikWhere stories live. Discover now