Flower | Pink Roses

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Flower | Pink Roses

"Papa! Papa! Look," says the little hyper bean pointing at the pink patch of roses growing in the garden.

"Beautiful princess," Zayn smiles gently at his daughter who looks just like his wife in many ways.

"We should show it to mum," smiles the little girl named Rosalina Malik, who just passionate about gardening just like her mother.

"Sure," Zayn stood up from his chair and went back inside the house in search to find his wife. "Lemy?"

"I'm in here chico," says the Chilean woman who was cooking dinner for their family in the kitchen.

Zayn walked in the kitchen and his stomach started to growl at the smell of the delicious food that was being prepared tonight. He came up behind his woman and rested his chin in the crook of her neck.

"Is everything alright?" Asks Yarlemy.

"Lina w-wants to s-show..show you her f-flower darling," Zayn says stealing a piece of food and quickly putting it in his mouth.

"Okay, I'm coming out there right now," Yarlemy turned the stove on low and washed her hands before she walked outside to see her eight year old daughter admiring the pink roses.

Eight years has passed and the couple were now married with a petite eight year old that had a big heart and loving parents. Yarlemy and Zayn actually decided to move out of the city of London and move to Bradford where he grew up at. The house was just right and they don't plan on moving anywhere else. Everything seemed to be a little too perfect with this family and they wanted to keep it that way for a while. Even with all the hardships and battles they had to go through, their love and their bond never has once perished.

"Mummy look," Rosalina pointed at the flower that was now blooming on this very fine day.

"It's so beautiful sweetie," Yarlemy smiled at the single patch of flowers growing on this bush. Her eyes started to swell up with tears and her family knew why.

"It's f-fine darling," says Zayn rubbing his wife's back smoothly.

"Mummy..please don't cry," Rosalina begs with those light brown eyes of hers.

"I won't," Yarlemy fanned her face before sniffing. "Go ahead and go wash your hands because dinner is almost ready."

"Okay," Rosalina took off her gardening apron and her boots before sprinting into the house.

Flowers were very important when it came to this family. They were a very sentimental and metaphorically represented both growth and death. Rosalina wasn't always the only child and the eight year old knew that. Sometimes all seeds didn't grow, and sometimes all flowers didn't get the chance to bloom. Yarlemy had two miscarriages three years after Rosalina was born. She was going to be the oldest of three but things didn't turn out exactly as planned. So in honor of the two babies they placed their ashes in the soil, placed a seed and watched the flowers grow over time.

Today marked the third year death anniversary of the two babies that were not able to bloom. Planting the pink roses meant so much to this family and it held an extra special place in Yarlemy's heart. The fact that Rosalina checks on the bush of roses each day tells her that everything will be okay in the end.

Because afterall, she was one of the lucky flowers who got to bloom out of nothing but love.




Started Writing : June 9th, 2017
Completed : June 20th, 2017
Published : June 21st, 2017

- BookOfBandz

flower | zayn malikWhere stories live. Discover now