Flower | A Surprise

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Flower | A Surprise

Today was July 1st, which meant that today is Yarlemy's 23rd birthday. She had a summer birthday which meant it took forever for this day to come around, but it's finally here. Yarlemy was happy when her birthday came around because she had every right to be grateful for living another year and she was happy because she could act like a queen all day. This was her first birthday in another country and she had no idea what to do today. Sadly, she still had to work but at least they sung Happy Birthday to her.

"I need you to close up the shop," Stacey says to Yarlemy while adjusting the purse on her shoulder.

Yarlemy wanted to slap the shit out of her, "But I closed up last night, why do I have to close up tonight?"

Yarlemy wanted to slap the shit out of her, "But I closed up last night, why do I have to close up tonight?"

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"Just because it's your birthday doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. I said close up the shop or else I'll have someone else to do it," Stacey then whipped her hair and walked out of the salon. (A/N: and yes Stacey is Ashely Tisdale..carry on)

"Tu perra rubia," Yarlemy murmured underneath her breath. The translating to: you blonde bitch.

"I'll close up for you," says a fellow co-worker. "Go and enjoy your night."

All the other co-workers agreed and practically pushed her out of the salon as they wished her another happy birthday for the rest of her day. Smiling, she adjusted her purse on her shoulder and took a journey to her house.

Just a few moments later her phone started to ring, pulling it out her purse she answered it, "Hola?"

"Hey it's me Demi, where are you?" She asks, she took a off day at work so that's why she wasn't at the salon today.

"Walking to my apartment," Yarlemy says.

"Okay great, because I'm already in there," her friend giggled on the other line.

"This is why I shouldn't have gave you my spare key," Yarlemy groaned.

"You're my bestfriend, what did you expect?" Demi laughs. "But anyway happy birthday and I'll see you in a little bit."

"Thank you, and I'll see you there," Lemy says.

"Welcome, bye now," Demi then hung up the phone.

Only minutes later her phone rang again and she answered it, "¿Que?"

"Can I not wish you happy birthday? Like damn, what did England do to my big sister?" Her nineteen year old brother spoke over the phone.

"Nothing, you always blow up my phone for some bullshit," Yarlemy scoffs obviously kidding.

"Saying having birthday is bullshit? Okay, I got you," her brother says beginning to fake cry.

"Andres, you know I love you!" Yarlemy coos.

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