Flower | Joyous Times

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Flower | Joyous Times

Their trip ended up turning out great for the both of them. After arriving to Chile everybody felt like a complete family again; also with the new addition of Zayn being added in the Rosa family. They loved him and treated him so wonderfully that he wished everybody in the world were like the Rosa family. He loved spending time with them and he definitely loved the different culture that Yarlemy came from. She wasn't all the religious but she was very proud of her roots and where she came from. Zayn loved witnessing their family love because he himself also felt loved.

Enes' and Sergio's birthday party ended up becoming a huge success. They had a party on their huge front yard and it was very festive with many people. Zayn wasn't much of a social person so he remained quiet while sitting on the front porch as he laid back enjoying the view of people having a good time. He actually had a chance to talk to Russo, who was such a lovely father and a warm loving human being. He looked quite scary when they first met but he was a big sweetheart. So he had nothing to worry about.

Zayn enjoyed being with Yarlemy's family. He always wanted brothers growing up and now he technically had three new brother-in-laws from Yarlemy's side. He was able to socialize with them and the boys always made sure that Zayn didn't feel left out. They played video games, talked about comics, and they also had their "bro talk" which consisted of many topics such as; girls, their dreams, jobs, dirty jokes, and much other things. Zayn felt blessed to have these guys love him like he was their brothe, it was a wonderful feeling knowing that he was considered as their family.

Meanwhile, Yarlemy had caught up with many of her old hometown friends. It was great to be back in a place where everything started for her. She was raised in this country by her wonderful parents who supported her and loved her, along with her younger siblings that were a pain in the ass but who were also loved her dearly. Yarlemy felt connected to this place and she wasn't going to forget where she came from and who raised her. This was her home and it was always be her home no matter what country or city she is in.

Then a week passed and Yarlemy decided that it would be best if they left to go back to London. One, she was being considerate since Zayn has never been away from his home country for this long and he started showing signs of home sickness no matter how hard he tried to cover it up. Yarlemy could see right through him and she went on ahead packing her things so they could leave. Her family didn't want them to leave, especially Zayn since that really liked him and his presence. But they all understood that they had lives of their own.

Of course she had threw up a lot that week and she even had to take some medicine before she got onto her flight as well. Her mother took note of how much she was throwing up and she could only wonder many things. It was unusual for her to be puking everywhere and her mother knew that for a fact. So being sneaky, Daniela placed a medium sized box into her suitcase before Yarlemy left and she really hopes she sees it once she gets back to London. One could only hope with so many outcomes and possibilities.

"Ahhh home," Zayn breathed once he stepped foot into his flat that he has been away from for a whole entire week. Don't get him wrong, he loved Chile but he also missed his own place.

"I'm going upstairs if you need me," Yarlemy kissed his cheek before taking her bags upstairs to his bedroom where she was going to unwind and hopefully fall asleep.

Yarlemy had stripped from her clothes and started the shower. Forgetting her shower cap she went to her suitcase and unzipped the big zipper to find a pink medium sized box sitting perfectly on top of her clothes. Frowning she picked up and realized that it was a pregnancy kit with a written note tapped on it.

Take this Yarlemy because you could never be too sure about what's going on with your body. Whatever result you get just know that we will always love you and support you ;) - love mama

Sighing she decided to take the test just for her own sake. Yarlemy admits that she has been feeling off lately. And plus, mother knows best.

Yarlemy took all four and quickly hopped in the shower, making sure to turn then over and hide the result so she could look at them after she got out. All when she was washing her body she thought about what it would he like to carry a little tiny human inside of her belly. Then she also wondered what Zayn would think.

She hasn't had sex with anyone besides Zayn and she knew that for a fact. Yarlemy was a very loyal girlfriend and she wondered how Zayn was going to feel about her being pregnant with his baby. He couldn't deny it, right? Even if he did she would be devastated forever.

Her heart started to pound when she turned the shower off. Get yourself together Yarlemy, she says in her head. In her mind she was going to prepare a speech for Zayn if the test ended up positive, but if it was negative then she was going to throw them away like nothing ever happen.

Wrapping her towel around her naked body she pulled back the shower curtain and her heart immediately dropped to her feet.

"Z-Zayn..what a-are y-you doing?" She stammered looking at him with wide eyes.

The south Asian man looked at her than back down at the weird looking devices on the bathroom counter that all had the positive signs showing.

"Listen, I c-can explain," Yarlemy croaks tears brimming in her eyes as she slowly stepped out of the shower. She saw that the sighs read positive and she was definitely not ready to give him this speech.

"Thissa bar," he says pointing to the sticks with a small frown on his face. "A-All two..two bars."

Her bottom lip trembled and her hands began to shake out of so much fear. She had no idea what was going to happen between them, "Zayn I—,"

"N-Not..not fever s-sticks..Z-Zayn knows t-that," he nods looking at her with unreadable eyes that made her want to bash her head against the mirror. She was honestly dead.

Yarlemy sniffed, the steam of the bathroom making her nervous than ever, "They are not a-and I w-wanted to tell you that—,"

"T-There..there a seed..i-inside..inside of Lemy," he says as his lips curl into a boyish grin.

"W-What?" She stammers taken back at his whole reaction to this.

"W-We..we m-make flower..darling," he says with happy tears falling down his face then it soon hit him very hard only seconds later. He covered his face with his hands and started to sob.

"Oh chico, come here," Yarlemy tucked the towel underneath itself before pulling her boyfriend into a warm nice hug as he continued to cry on her shoulder. "I'm going to cry with you so don't worry."

Tears of joy flowed right down their beautiful faces until they seemed to get ahold of themselves. Zayn pulled away and instantly crashed their lips together which Yarlemy kissed him back so lovingly. They were so lost in this moment and they were both glad to be spending this wonderful celebration with each other.



- BookOfBandz

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