Flower | Taxi Horns

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Flower | Taxi Horns

A month has passed from the last time we witnessed something great between Yaremy and Zayn. It was now the month of May and it has been raining a lot lately. Yarlemy wasn't use to this type of weather since she was born and raised in South America and the weather in Chile was much different from London's weather. She had to get use to this place, including the different time zones, the weather, and the different people. Yarlemy missed her home, yet she is glad that she made this move because this was for the better.

She missed her parents, her siblings, and her home that she grew up in. Chile is where it all started and sometimes she wishes that she could be with her family. She was the oldest out of four, and being the oldest out of four boys was pretty hectic. Her parents worked majority of the time which meant that she had to sacrifice a lot for her brothers. They are all Chilean and African American, and being able to speak English and Spanish fluently. Her roots is very important to her because it is what makes her unique.

Her dark chocolate skin was rich and so soft. She was made out of dark cocoa and sweet honey. Yarlemy was a prestigious woman and she didn't even know it herself. People envied her beautiful complexion of her skin, that is what drove people to make her feel bad. Either they insult her full on or make humorous racial jokes to make her feel embarrassed. If she ignored other people's opinions and love herself then she would be the most confident woman in the world. But she was still young, and she was growing to become a much better person.

Zayn found Yarlemy very attractive. He didn't have to beat around the bush when he is telling how pretty she actually looks. Sometimes he wishes that Yarlemy knew how beautiful she was and embrace it. Zayn didn't pay attention to women but he paid attention to Yarlemy the second he laid eyes on her. He didn't have a certain type exactly but he saw Yarlemy as the most beautifulest girl on this planet earth. He wanted her to know how beautiful she really is, and how she needs to stop acting insecure about herself. Zayn thought she was perfect.

"Hello, welcome to L'Oreal's Beauty Boutique," Yarlemy sung warmly as she trimmed her last client's hair.

"H-Heelloo," said the customer who's voice sounded awful familiar to a person she has been thinking about all day.

Stopping what she was doing she saw Zayn keeping his distance as he shyly looked down at his shoes.

"Hey Zayn, what brings you here?" Yarlemy smiles, feeling happy that her day has gotten better by just the sight of him.

"S-Surprise," he shrugs taking a glance at her than back at his shoes.

"Well, that's very nice of you," she smiles then finished cutting the client's hair. "You're all finished."

"Thank you," says the redhead who paid Yarlemy and left with her new short hairstyle.

Yarlemy placed the money in her pocket then faced Zayn who stood there quite nervously, "Hey handsome, everything okay?"

"S'fine," he shrugs shaking his head so she wouldn't worry about him. She was so nice sometimes, and in a weird way it bugged him.

"Well that was my last customer, do you want to leave or something?" Yarlemy asks cleaning her station.

"T-That'll..be nice," Zayn nodded fumbling with his fingers.

"Great, just give me a minute," Yarlemy says going to the back to of the salon to get her things.

When she walked in the back she saw Liam and Demi making out.

"You two are gross," Yarlemy exaggerates making them both pull away.

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