Flower | The Patches

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Flower | The Patches

"You look gorgeous," Demi smiles looking at her bestfriend in aw.

"You really think so?" Yarlemy asks turning around to look at herself in the mirror, her friend had done her makeup and honestly she looked really nice.

"You two need to stop playing and get together," Demi says seriously.

"We only known each other for about a month and a half," Yarlemy says in a tone.

"So? Have you seen way he looks at you?" Demi exaggerates. "I swear, you guys are the cutest couple ever."

"We're not a couple, but he is the cute one though," Yarlemy murmurs truthfully.

"Oh hush, your beautiful too," Demi says to her.

"I hope he thinks so," she huffs playing with her hair that was straight for tonight even though it was probably going to end up looking terrible since it was so much moisture in the air.

"Do you plan on making the first move?" Demi suddenly asks.

"Demi," Yarleny groaned rolling her eyes.

"What? I'm being serious," she says with a shrug.

"Why would I make the first move? Why can't he make the first move?" Yarlemy asks flipping the tables for once.

"Liam tells me that he is really shy and he probably won't deal with any physical contact with you. You should get him to warm up to you," Demi explains briefly, she was honestly telling the truth because she wanted to help her friend out.

"I don't want to force him into anything Demi. He's quite fragile," Yarleny sighs looking down at her manicured nails.

"You're not forcing anything Yarlemy, you're just building chemistry," Demi clarifies.

"I guess you're right," Lemy stood to her feet in front of her full body mirror and checked herself out.

She had on a black fitting dress that was made out of suave and it also had a heart neckline as well. A simple black chocker was around her neck and her makeup was done to perfection while her hair was straightened out. A black hat sat on top of her head and she also had on some other cute accessories to make her outfit pop. She was very diverse and creative when it came to her outfits. Even though she was very insecure about herself, she had to say that she looked damn good tonight.

"Be sure to smile and have a good time with him, okay? You did tell me that you haven't had many good dates, and the way you talk about Zayn I can tell that you really like him," Demi says primping herself up in the mirror.

"I do like him," Yarlemy exhales nervously, then her phone went off.

"Is that him?" Demi asks curiously.

Yarlemy bit her bottom lip nodding as she unlocked her phone to read the text message she received.

- I don't know how to tell you this but I don't think I can make it out tonight..I am extremely nervous and going out wouldn't be the best move for me.

"Aw, my poor baby," Yarlemy pouted and poked her bottom lip out.

"What he say?" Demi asks leaning over.

"He wouldn't be able to go out because he's super nervous," Yarlemy says with a deep sigh.

"Then ask if you guys can just chill at his place," Demi suggested.

"You right," Yarlemy nodded and sent a text back.

- i fully understand babe. is there anyway I could come over? instead of going out?

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