Flower | The Weekend

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Flower | The Weekend

"T-This..this close," Zayn groaned, explaining to his friend how close he was from kissing Yarlemy until that rude taxi driver interrupted their moment.

"I'm sorry mate," Liam sighs. "You told me that she's coming over tonight, right? Maybe you should make a move."

"How?" Zayn asks.

Liam chuckled, "Well, that's really up to you and how you feel in that moment."

"L-Like her..so m-much," Zayn huffs.

"I know you do, and you guys are going to be the greatest couple," Liam smiles, he was really hoping for the best for the them.

Liam was over Zayn's flat since they both got off work a few minutes ago. Zayn needed some brotherly talk with his best mate, explaining what happened yesterday between him and Yarlemy. It was obvious that he was flustered and frustrated. Liam could tell that it was eating him up, Zayn really liked Yarlemy and he wanted everything to be perfect. Zayn didn't understand the small aspects of starting a relationship, it wasn't that easy and Liam told him that straightforward. It was a process that took two people that had strong feelings for each other to make it work.

"I must get going," Liam announced standing up. "I'll catch you later mate."

"B-Bye," Zayn waved as he sunk deeper on his couch.

"Use protection!" Liam calls out.

Zayn frowned, unfamiliar with that term, "P-P-Protection?"

"Don't worry about it," Liam shook his head chuckling, then walked out of the front door. 

Next thing you know Zayn's phone vibrated in his pocket, he unlocked his phone and read the text message he received.

- hey handsome 😊

- Hello?

- you're so cute💓 but anyway, I just got off work and I'm at my house getting packed for this weekend.

- You're cute too? And uhm..I'll come and pick you up if you would like.

- whatever floats your boats babe ;)

- Uhm..okay?

He locked his phone and felt his face. His cheeks were hot and his hands were a bit sweaty too. Getting up from his couch he grabbed his phone, calling his personal driver so he would come—Zayn had a personal driver since he wasn't able to get his license, and plus driving freaked him out in so many ways.

When he heard a similar honk from outside his apartment door he walked out and got into the black big body. His driver, Mr. Smith, greeted him and Zayn did the same before telling him to drive to Reed's Flat.

Once his car stopped on the curb Zayn looked out the window to see the dark skinned beauty sitting on her porch steps. From his view, it looked like she didn't have much clothes on which confused him due to the mildly chilly weather, but he was never the type to judge because she looked wonderful.

Getting out the car he stuffed his hands in his pockets as he walked towards her. When they made eye contact, a lump instantly formed in his throat.

"Hey handsome," Yarlemy greeted turning her head to the side and ducking her lips a little bit before smiling at him.

"Hey handsome," Yarlemy greeted turning her head to the side and ducking her lips a little bit before smiling at him

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