Flower | The Battles

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Flower | The Battles

"Can you like..stop Zayn? That is so fucking annoying. Can you find something else to do?" Calum snapped after moments of hearing clicking sounds of a pen right next to him. They were the only two people in the break room, and it was a habit for Zayn yet Calum didn't realize that.

Zayn stopped his actions with a low "sorry" coming from his lips. He looked at the pen in between his fingertips and sighed deeply.

Calum got up from the table and left the break room, mumbling a very rude insult underneath his breath which Zayn heard: I swear you are such a retard Zayn.

His bottom lip started to tremble and he immediately chewed down on it. As the words echoed in his head a few tears easily fell down his precious face. Calum has been mean to him plenty of times and it always resulted for Zayn to shed tears. He couldn't help his nerves and they he deals with them. Zayn didn't know that the rapid click of a pen would piss somebody off so badly to the point that they would bluntly insult them underneath their breath. It's hard for Zayn to cope with his nerves and his feelings.

"Sorry Yarlemy, you are not going," Stacey says with a fake sympathetic smile on her face.

"What?! She gets more customers than Hailey and Sally combined!" Demi interjected.

"Demi's right," added Vincent. "She deserves to go because she has worked so hard around here Stacey. Let her go to the competition because it would really help our team."

"I don't take rookies to a competition," Stacey states swinging her blonde hair over her shoulder.

"She's been working for seven months and she makes more money than me! All of the customers like her," says Sally.

"My decision is final," Stacey snaps. "Any last words?"

"You're such a bitch," Demi spoke bluntly as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Demi you're fired," Stacey stated with an emotionless face then looked around the room. "Anybody else?"

Different tones of the word "me" went around the whole entire salon. They had enough of Stacey's bullshit.

So pretty much everybody took off their apron off and threw it to the ground. Everybody started packing up their stations, leaving this place for good.

"L-Lemy? P-Please..I-I need y-you," Zayn sniffed holding his phone with a shaky hand to his ear, tears were falling down his face and all he wanted was his woman.

"Hey, chico no, don't cry," Yarlemy's warm voice cooed over the phone, she has now packed everything from her job and she was now on her way to Zayn's building.

"P-Please Lemy," Zayn croaks softly

"I'm coming to you don't worry," Yarlemy stays over the phone in a comforting voice. "Don't hang up, okay? Keep talking to me."

Zayn hiccuped and silently cried as he waited for his hero to come through the day. It broke Yarlemy's heart over the phone knowing that her handsome man was crying. She hated him crying and she needs to figure out why he was sobbing.

"Where are you babe?" Yarlemy asks walking in the building with the phone in her hands.

"B-Break room," he sniffs.

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