Flower | Next Morning

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Flower | Next Morning

Zayn tipped-toed his way downstairs to see that Yarlemy wasn't sleeping on the couch. The blanket was almost on the floor and that made him cringe just a little bit. If she left then he would be really sad since she didn't say goodbye. He wanted to make sure she was okay and comfortable at his house. Zayn was so paranoid last night that he barely got any sleep. All he could think about was 'I have a woman in my house and she is sleeping downstairs' all night long, and that kept him up.

Yet, he did smell food and he did grow a bit curious. He knew well enough that Liam wasn't cooking because he was terrible and he almost burned Zayn's kitchen stove one time so Liam wasn't permitted to cook in Zayn's house ever again.

Then one thought led to another and he quickly became really paranoid to the point that he was almost freaking out right now.

Grabbing a random curtain rod from the ground he slowly walked in the kitchen to catch the burglar chef in it's position. Then it turns out that it was Yarlemy cooking, not a burglar chef.

He exhaled deeply and he felt all the nerves in his body calm down. He had dropped the curtain rod making him jump at his own actions, but it also made Yarlemy turn around.

"Where you planning on killing me with that?" Yarlemy asks with a raised eyebrow, her tone actually quite serious.

"N-N-No!" Zayn squeaked shaking his head frantically. "I s-swear! N-No Lemy!"

"If you were gonna kill me with a curtain rod I think otherwise," she sung turning around to face the stove.

Zayn placed the black curtain rod down and slowly approached her, tapping her shoulder while he looked at her with sad and sincere eyes, "L-Lemy..Lemy no."

Yarlemy sighed and leaned her hip against the counter, "Chico relax, okay? I was just kidding."

"Sorry," he mumbles looking down in shame.

She lifted his chin gently, "Don't apolgize babe, you have nothing to be sorry for."

"Z-Zayn..did s-something..wrong," he says taking a step back and looking down at the kitchen's marble floor. He felt bad, and he had his reasons to apologize.

"No you didn't babe, trust me," she says kissing his cheek before putting her attention back on the stove.

Zayn looked at her then looked back down nervously, chewing on his bottom lip as he tried to regain his mental focus. He didn't know what was going on with him lately, and it kinda worried him. This woman has changed him so much and he didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing.

"I got up and made breakfast for the both of us, knowing that you had work today," she says turning off the stove.

"T-Thanks," Zayn spoke changing his weight on his both feet.

"No problem," she says preparing both of their plates with ease. "I have to say that you have a lot of spices and food."

"Thanks?" He frowns not knowing if he should take that as a compliment or not.

"You're welcome," she giggles sitting down at the table and he did the same.

They both ate their breakfast quietly at the table. It turns out that Yarlemy is an excellent cook and he actually got seconds. The scramble eggs had different herbs while the bagels had some type of magical cream cheese on them. Maybe letting her stay over wasn't that bad afterall.

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