Flower | Secrets Away

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Flower | Secrets Away

Yesterday was a very emotional day for the newly official couple. Yarlemy quit her job and Zayn had a emotionally meltdown at work. Things were very bumpy but they wanted to make the road smooth again. Yesterday wasn't exactly the best day to become a couple but it made their day a little brighter than before. All the bad that happened that day was now gone. Happiness was replaced and they were enclosed feeling nothing but loved. It was a wonderful feeling knowing that they have finally found the person that have been all along, their soulmate.

It didn't matter if they known each for a week or a decade; they had feelings for each other and they were not ashamed to show it now. Yes, it was a but complicated at first because Zayn didn't know how to deal with a type of relationship like the one he has with Yarlemy. He was unsure of himself and kinda insecure since he was considered "different". As the days passed then he had to figure out his feelings that he had for Yarlemy. He was falling for her every single day and he wasn't going to deny it any longer.

Yarlemy confessed her biggest insecurity yesterday and it was about her self image. Just by the look in her eyes Zayn had to understand that her self identity was a huge problem. She was telling the full truth and she is surprised that she didn't break down crying. Her self image played a big problem when it came to her personal issues. She wanted to discuss it with Zayn, explaining to him that people in this world was cruel and self love is very essential. And without Zayn she would have been stuck to her old ways, meaning she is glad they met.

Now Zayn wasn't good with his speaking skills but he has to man up and get better at communication with people. Long time ago he confessed that he was a victim of bullying and it was a really rough time for him, especially in college with other "normal" people that told him that he wouldn't fit in. He just wanted acceptance from people but instead he was considered an outcast. After he told her apart of his dark past he believes that it is important to tell her more. He needs her to understand that he has gone through hell and back.

So today he was going to tell her about the incident that took place only years ago. He was very scared but he realizes that he is in a current relationship with the one and only Yarlemy Rosa. She is his dream girl and all he could want is honesty in this relationship. He wanted to tell her his biggest and darkest secret that he has never told anyone. This wasn't even in his book because it brought dark memories to that night. A night he would never forget in his life, but he wanted to overcome those demons.

"L-Love? W-Wake up..please," Zayn says with a very soft voice as he poked her boobs as a way of getting her up.

"I'm up chico," Yarlemy fluttered her eyes open looking at her boyfriend who was currently poking her boobs.

"C-Can..can w-we talk? Z-Zayn h-has lots to s-say..yes..yes h-he does," he nods going with his decision.

"Of course babe," Yarlemy sat up and he sat up straight too. She threw the covers back and folded her legs crissed-crossed as she looked at her precious boyfriend. "I'm all ears chico."

Blinking he cleared his throat as his eyes darted away from hers, "In college p-people..people said I-I was w-weird a-and..such..t-tried not to let it m-make me s-sad..but it was d-difficult."

"Keep going," Yarlemy says softly after he briefly stopped.

He nodded, "M-Me..me w-wanted friends..n-no one..no one w-wanted to b-be Z-Zayn's friend."

"And how did you feel about that?" She asks genuinely wanting him to use his words.

"Loser," he murmurs looking down at their hands. "W-Wanted..to b-be cool and s-such."

"You wanted acceptance?" She added.

"Ah yes..L-Lemy knows," Zayn nods liking her words.

She giggles quietly but stopped to let him continue.

"I-It got o-over..over my h-head..ended up m-making..m-making mistake," Zayn's voice cracked at the end because he knew that he was going to tell her about the incident.

Yarlemy took both of his hands and gave then a light squeeze. Assuring that she was here for him.

"I-I..m-made mistake," Zayn whispers with glossy eyes. "W-Wanted..wanted so m-much..much a-acceptance."

Yarlemy wiped the tears from his face then allowed him to speak. She had no idea what was coming his way.

"I..w-was raped," he finally tells her, the words rolling off his tongue and into the atmosphere which became very tense.

And that is when her heart broke into a million pieces.

"M-Me..was s-scared..a-and hurt," he confesses wiping his own face.

"Z-Zayn..Zayn that is not your fault, do you understand?" Yarlemy croaks.

"I-It is," he sniffs looking down shamefully.

She cupped his cheeks and made him look at her as she spoke these words very sternly, "That will never be your fault."

"M-My mistake," he hiccups.

"It was not your mistake and it will never be your mistake. Whoever did that to you is a very evil person. You have to understand that it is not your fault. Rape is based on the raper, never the victim. Please tell me you understand that chico?" Yarlemy stresses with tears falling down her face.

"Y-Yes," he nods wiping her own tears with the pad of his thumbs.

"What you just told me proves that you are the strongest person I have ever met. I swear that things are going to get better, I promise you that chico," Yarlemy pressed a loving kiss on his forehead, on his eyelids, his nose, his cheek, lastly his lips.

"T-Thank..thank you," Zayn whispers softly.

"I am always here for you and I hope you know that you mean the world to me," Yarlemy brought him into a hug and squeezed his frame tight, never wanting to let him go.


how did you guys feel about that ? give me feedback please .

- BookOfBandz

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