Flower | Walk-Ins

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Flower | Walk-Ins

Last night was a very important night for Zayn and Yarlemy. That is when their relationship became stronger and their trust for each other has grown very deep. What Zayn shared was something he would have never confess to anybody but Liam. He trusted Liam with all of his secrets and his feelings, and now he can trust Yarlemy because she has been a huge help for the past month and a half. She was a great listener and she gave good advice on the side. She was so perfect and he has great feelings for her.

All it took was that one question from Yarlemy. She wanted this to be the best autobiography in the world so she wanted to get all of the possible details of Zayn's life. He just assumed that she wanted to move fast with the questions but that wasn't the cause. She actually wanted to go deeper in his past and ask deeper questions. He didn't expect for her to take a trip back to his past but at the same time he was super glad she did because those emotions would be bottled up inside him for a long time.

Yarlemy was the type to listen to people's problems and their private testimonies. She was the "therapist" out of all of her friends because she listened and gave out good advice. On top of that, her presence was so wonderful and she made you feel safe and secure if you were ever around her. She made him feel exactly what the others felt, he felt safe and secure which made him feel a little bit more loved than before. She wanted Zayn to realize his improvements because he has definitely improved than before. Yarlemy was the best, and he could see that.

So Zayn and Yarlemy ended up drifting off to sleep on his couch in that same loving position. Their bodies were practically made for each other because they looked like they were put together like a puzzle piece. Zayn was quite skinny and a bit lanky while Yarlemy had a body that was thick yet a bit slender. The side of his face was rested on her boobs, his long arms around her body as he slept so wonderfully. On the other hand Yarlemy had him cradled in her arms while her legs wrapped around him like a baby koala.

They looked a bit odd but it was very comfortable for the two of them.

Slowly but surely, Yarlemy fluttered her eyes open and saw the type of position they were in. Smiling she looked down at Zayn who was still sleeping peacefully as the morning sun shined down on him. He was such a gorgeous man and she wondered how in the hell did she become so lucky to end up like this.

Yarlemy liked him a lot and she wanted to start something new with him. They were both young and their bond was slowly moving forward which makes her wonder if they were ever going to be a couple or not.

Now of course there is no need to rush into anything because they were taking small baby steps. Zayn has feelings for her but it was so hard for him to express it they way he wanted to. Trust me, he wanted to show much physical affection but there was something holding him back. And that something was a person, a person who practically ruined his life and his chances to be in a relationship.

But he wasn't going to let that stop him no more.

"H-Heelloo," Zayn dragged, his voice raspy and deep which made her heart flutter just hearing his British accent ring through her ears.

Lemy smiled at him, "Hey handsome, you sleep good?"

He nodded wiping the sleep out of his eyes, "C-Comfortable."

"I bet," Yarlemy giggles. "I don't know how we ended up like this but I like it."

Zayn rested his head on her boobs again and yawned, "Ya'do?"

"Yup," she ran her fingers through his gorgeous hair and sighed. "But I like you more."

"Z-Zayn likes..likes Lemy too," he says turning to look at her for a quick second then looking away.

Yarlemy smiled so widely as her heart started to pound. This man was dreamy and she liked him so much.

Next thing you know the front door knob started to twist and then someone came barging in, "Zayn! I brought you some—well oh..this is interesting."

Yarlemy and Zayn scrambled like two teenagers getting caught of doing something they weren't suppose to doing. Zayn sat up looking at Liam and Demi then at Yarlemy who sat up while closing her legs in a ladylike position. But it was too late because they were both caught.

"Did we interrupt something?" Demi asks with a knowing smirk on her face.

"No," Yarlemy squeaked. "I was just going to make breakfast."

Liam and Demi both laughed at how fast Yarlemy walked into the kitchen. On the other hand Zayn fumbled with his fingers as his head was down, face red and everything.

"Let me take this, and I'll go talk to her," Demi grabbed the sacks from her boyfriend and went into the kitchen.

Yarlemy was leaning against the island while biting her thumbnail, trying process this embarrassing moment.

"You don't have to be ashamed Yarlemy," Demi says walking in the kitchen while trying to hold in her laugh.

"It looked so wrong though," the young woman groaned.

"It did look very wrong but that besides the point," Demi says unpacking the sacks.

"Zayn is probably so embarrassed right now," Lemy sighs rubbing her temples in frustration. "And it's all because of you stupid morons."

Demi laughed and shook that off, "He'll be fine."

"Estábamos tan cómodos y su cuerpo era tan freaking caliente," Yarlemy murmured in Spanish, that translating to: we were so comfortable and his body was so freaking warm.

"What was that?" Demi asks curiously.

"Nothing," Yarlemy mumbles helping Demi put up the groceries.

"There is nothing to be ashamed of Zayn," Liam assures chuckling.

"I-Inappropriate?" Zayn questions with worried eyes.

"It's not inappropriate if you guys like each other. And plus, it was my fault so barging in," Liam admits to him.

"Liam," Zayn groaned out of annoyance as he shook his head. He was slowly regretting giving his spare key to Liam.

"I know, but I'm your best mate and I couldn't help it because you know how noisy I can get," Liam chuckles relaxing on the couch.

Zayn rolled his eyes, "A-Annoying."

"But at least you're getting comfortable with her," Liam shrugs. "What happened last night that led up to her staying over?"

Zayn bit his bottom lip then sighed, "Told..m-my past..of college."

"Like how you were bullied?" Liam questioned softly, knowing that his past was quite a big deal.

Zayn nodded, "G-Got e-emotional..she h-helped..helped me."

"That's great Zayn, and I am so happy that you two are working something out," Liam smiles, he was honestly really happy for his best pal.

A small smile formed against his lips, "M-Me too."



- BookOfBandz

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