Flower | His Place

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Flower | His Place

Yarlemy and Zayn were slowly becoming good friends as time went by. They have known each other for about over a month and they have found out that they had a lot in common. From their favorite food to their biggest pet peeves. They have even went out to lunch a couple times and that time spent together was great. Zayn didn't know what was going on exactly but he liked where they were headed. He swore to himself that he wasn't going to get ahead of himself, but there was something about Yarlemy that pulled him in.

She was so sweet and warmhearted. Not only did they share the same interest with each other but she generally cared about him. She treated him normal and he appreciated that but he knew that he was different from everybody else. Yarlemy told him how "intriguing" and how "wonderful" of a human being he is and that made him feel all types of ways. She made him feel happy and she made him have second guesses about women. Maybe all women weren't evil but Zayn had to be the one to figure that out himself. He had to break free from that stereotype that he placed down on women.

Zayn liked Yarlemy and the only person he was ever going to admit to was Liam. He wasn't going to tell her even though he gave himself away sometimes. He was going to keep his feelings under the radar because he didn't want his feelings to get hurt. If he got rejected then his heart would be crushed and Zayn wasn't going to take that risk. He was taken advantage of at the age of nineteen, now being twenty-three he had heal from that incident. He was still broken mentally and emotionally, and he had to fix himself up again.

With all of that being said, tonight Yarlemy would be coming over Zayn's apartment. This was the first time he has ever allowed a woman in his place and he was quite nervous. He wanted to make a good impression and he wanted everything to go smoothly. Zayn was always nervous but right now he was on the verge of freaking out. He had called Liam telling him the news and his friend was quite proud of him. Liam gave Zayn some brotherly advice before they hung up, and then Zayn started to feel a bit better about her coming over.

- hey, im walking down your street right now

Zayn quickly stuffed his phone in his back pocket and checked around his house to see if everything was alright. He had food and his house smelt pretty nice. He couldn't stress about much he really wanted everything to go right.

He had on a dark blue jumper with some regular denim jeans. His hair was in his dreamy looking ponytail and he made sure that he had some good smelling cologne on his body. After looking around his apartment he decided that he would stand outside his front door, but once he reached for the door knob there was somebody already knocking which made him jump.

Slowly he unlocked the door and there was Yarlemy standing on his front porch looking beautiful as always. Her hair was wavy and she had her makeup on. A grey jacket was on her body and she had black leggings underneath along with some regular white converse. It wasn't much but she still looked pretty to him.

"Heelloo," Zayn greeted hiding behind the door nervously as she smiled at him warmly. "Lemy..pretty."

"Me?" She frowned looking down at her attire. "I look like a bum."

"No," he frowns.

"If you think I look nice then thanks, you look nice too," Yarlemy spoke.

"Thanks," Zayn casually opened the door so she could come in.

"You have a really nice place," Yarlemy hums looking at the wonderful lighted apartment that had marble floors and nice decor. He definitely had money.

"F-Follow please?" Zayn spoke fumbling with the hems of his jumper as he guided Yarlemy to his living room.

Yarlemy took a seat in the grey chair watching him sit on the snow white couch just across from her. She let out a deep breath, "So how do you wanna do this?"

"D-Don't know," Zayn scratched the back of his head and looked around the room awkwardly, they should've thought this through a little but more.

"Is that your journal?" Lemy points.

Zayn took the black journal from the glass coffee table and held it to his chest. He nodded silently.

"So, you write in that?" Yarlemy asks.

He nodded, "Y-Yes..and p-personal."

"Alright, I won't read anything you don't want me to read," Yarlemy says truthfully. "But can you trust me to stay on a blank page while we do this?"

He rolled his lips to the side in thought, wondering if he could trust her or not. Zayn also wanted to see if she was going to stay by her word, and if she didn't then it would be his fault for giving her his trust.

"Please Zayn?" Yarlemy spoke softly with those beautiful eyes.

"Okay," Zayn turned to a blank page and handed her his personal journal, he also gave her a pen as well.

Yarlmey and Zayn decided that they would hang out over his place this evening to they could come up with some ideas for any book drafts. Now that Yarlemy learned that he wanted to become an author than she agreed to help him. Right now, they were focusing on his autobiography and they were going to he working together on it.

"So, where do you want to start?" She asks tapping the pen on her knee.

"Y-You can..can start," Zayn says chewing on his bottom lip nervously, he never had a woman in his house and this was all kinda new for him.

She nodded, "Okay, I'll ask you questions and you have to promise me to answer them the best way you can, and you also have to tell the truth."

Zayn nodded.

"Good, now me your pinky," she says leaning over and extending her pinky out.

"W-What?" He frowns.

"We have to make a pinky promise," Yarlemy says. "Go ahead and hook your pink around mine."

Zayn sighed and locked their pinkies together before pulling away to lean back on the couch, "B-Better?"

Yarlemy smiled, "Much better."

Soon rain started to pour and it was falling down on the ground. The impact of every single raindrop was heard, along with a few clouds roaring high in the sky.

"You okay Zayn?" Yarlemy asks getting his attention.

"Mh'fine," he mumbles holding his couch pillow close to his chest.

"Don't mind the rain, okay? I'm here for you and we're going to do this together," Yarlemy preached with a confident smile, looking at the man who she already adored so much. She had that look in her eyes and she felt so enclosed with so much positively, she liked it a lot.

Zayn smiled and nodded his head. He definitely had a great feeling on this.


- BookOfBandz

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