Flower | Chile PT 1

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Flower | Chile PT 1

It was the first week of September which meant that Yarlemy would be going to Chile to see her family again. She had two younger twin brothers, Enes and Sergio, and they were both turning seventeen years old. When she left for England she promised her family that she would be back for everybody's birthday. Yarlemy was still going to keep her promise so today she is taking an early flight to Chile. Honestly, she missed her family so much and she couldn't wait to see them, and she couldn't wait for them to meet her boyfriend.

Zayn was going on this trip and he was quite nervous if you want honesty. First, he was going to meet his girlfriend's family. Second, he has never been on a plane before. Yarlemy was happy that he wanted to come, so they got his passport and everything so he could take a trip to Chile with her, and plus, he wanted to meet her family and her parents that blessed him with this wonderful woman. As they made it to the airport he grew very nervous and he felt very off, but his lady was always by his side.

"Do you have a problem?" Yarlemy asked an older white woman who had been staring at her boyfriend way too long. She looked scared and Yarlemy knew why.

"Is he riding on this plane?" She asks with a shaky breath while her eyes flickered between the foreign man and Yarlemy.

"I don't know, don't you see we're going to the same place?" The hint of sarcasm was clearly in Yarlemy's voice as she spoke to the racist white lady.

"Lemy," Zayn spoke in a knowing tone as he tugged her hoodie into another direction so his girlfriend wouldn't go completely crazy in this airport.

"Hold on babe," Yarlemy took a glance at him then back at the woman with narrowed eyes.

Her crystal blue eyes then widen with fear realizing that he was getting on the plane, "Listen, I don't want to anger him—,"

"Can you like..shut the fuck up, please? I don't have time for your ignorance and assumptions," Yarlemy took one step forward and that is when Zayn took her hand to walk away before a fight broke out.

"L-Lemy..Lemy no f-fighting," Zayn pleads in a soft voice.

"She was being noisy and rude," Yarlemy grumbles.

"S'fine," Zayn shrugs.

"It's not fine Zayn. I won't let no old white hag try to disrespect you, because it's like she was disrespecting me and I won't have that," Yarlemy huffs crossing her arms over her chest.

Zayn leaned in to kiss her lips again and again then pulled away to look into her eyes that dilated by the second. He stroked her cheek softly and gave her one of his pretty smiles, "S'fine Lemy."

"Okay," Yarlemy nodded and kissed his lips once more. "You ready to go?"

Zayn released a deep breath and nodded silently. He was nervous to be on this plane but he had a deep feeling that everything was going to be alright.

"Don't look at me bitch," Yarlemy muttered when she passed the white old hag that was staring at the couple. She was really defensive when it came to Zayn and she made sure to make it clear that Zayn Malik was her boyfriend.

"H-Hi..hi there," said a man waving at Yarlemy, and oh goodness he looked awfully familiar.

"Hello," Yarlemy greeted and took a seat right across from him. "What's your name?"

"L-Louis," he says showing off his pretty boy smile.

"That's a wonderful name," Yarlemy grins, in the back of her mind she has a feeling that she met this guy before but couldn't recall. "My name is Yarlemy."

"I-I..know," Louis giggles fiddling with his fingers.

"Oh you do?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.

He made his hands into scissors and pretended to cut his hair, "Salon."

"Oh that's right," Yarlemy smiles nodding at the memory. "I remember cutting your hair last week."

"Yeah," he nods.

"So what brings you to Chile?" She asks curiously.

"P-Photo..p-photography," he says making a gesture of him taking a picture with a large invisible camera in his hands.

"That's nice," Lemy smiled once again, this guy was special needs and she could tell some similarities he has from what she studied from.

"W-Who's that?" Louis asks pointing at the guy who was sitting next to the chocolate beauty.

"Him? This is my lovely boyfriend Zayn," she says with a cheeky smile.

"Couple?" Louis questions in aw.

"Yes," Zayn mumbles showing possessiveness over his woman by draping his arm over his waist.

"Don't be rude chico," Yarlemy says quietly. "He was just being friendly."

"M'sorry..hello," Zayn waves at the man who waved back.

Then Louis spoke reaching over his armrest just to tap Zayn's arm, "Hey duudee..a-airplane..airplane going to do l-loopy loop."

Zayn's hazel eyes widened, "W-What?"

"Yup," Louis giggles mischievously, it seems like this wasn't his first plane ride.

Yarlemy giggled at their interaction, "This is going to be a long trip."


who remembers that interview where Louis told Zayn that the airplane was going to do a loopy loop in the sky ?? 😂 that was hilarious and I am heavily inspired by it .

- BookOfBandz

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