Flower | Dates PT 2

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Flower | Dates PT 2

The two walked hand in hand into the art museum in the middle of London. It was probably the most expensive yet prestigious museum ever in London. Zayn was so happy to be here, especially with the person he adores the most. He confessed to her not too long ago that he is really passionate about art, and they also placed that fact in his book as well. It seems like Yarlemy really cares about him and cares about the things that really makes him happy. And currently, he is already enjoying this date so far.

"P-Pollock," Zayn pointed at one particular painting that caught his eye, unknowingly he pulled her towards the artwork.

"Tell me about this one babe," Yarlemy spoke gently, admiring the artwork but it wasn't the one you were thinking about; she was looking at Zayn.

Zayn blushed, this was his time to shine to he started to explain this painting, "J-Jackson..Jackson Pollock..does a-abstract..a-and such."

"Is he your favorite artist?" Yarlemy hums looking at the title that read 'Shimmering Substance' on the bottom.

"G-Guess..so," he shrugs. "H-Have others."

"Come on, let's go look at some more, yeah?" Yarlemy suggested.

Zayn nodded and walked right beside her. Their fingers laced as they walked down the marble floors with expensive artwork hanging on the walls as the red ropes kept people away from getting too close. He was fascinated with everything around him.

"You know when I was little I used to suck at drawing," Yarlemy tells him straight up.

"Really?" Zayn asks curiously.

"Yes, and I would get frustrated," she giggles.

"S'fine," he says absentmindedly kissed her bare shoulder blade, not realizing that he made her shudder from his touch.

This right here is what real love feels like. The incredibly numbing sensation you get when you finally find the right person you have been missing all along. Yarlemy would have no idea where she would be if she was still in Chile, letting guys use her and disrespect her well being. She didn't have enough confidence to stick up for herself back then, but she has changed over the past few months. She was still insecure but she is still learning how to love herself. Being only twenty-two years old she has so much to unleashed and unravel.

Sometimes she wonders if Zayn is too good for her. She thinks about all those guys that pushed her down and used her so many times. All Yarlemy saw was her flaws and all the bad things she couldn't change about herself, and that was mostly the color of her skin. People made fun of how dark she is and how much of an "African child" she is. She had to learn that her flaws is what makes her unique. None of her flaws included the darkness of her skin, her melanin was beautiful and she was always glowing on her saddest days. She has a heart made up of gold, but sometimes she just needed to embrace herself in any way she could. It was very important to love yourself as much as you love others, she had to learn that for herself.

"O-One..one m-more..uhm please?" Zayn poked out his bottom lip, holding both of hers hands while he pleaded to look at one more painting.

"I'm not rushing you Zayn, we can stay here for as long as you like. I was just telling you that we're going out to eat whenever you want to leave," Yarlemy explained gently.

"Nice," he smiled and soon took her to the corner of the museum where there was a replica of the most famous artwork in the world.

"Mona Lisa," Yarlemy smiled as she looked at the painting in front of her. It looked so nice and it was detailed wonderfully. Of course she saw all the memes and online pictures but she has never seen the painting up close.

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