Flower | Planning It

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Flower | Planning It

Zayn was missing Yarlemy so bad right now. He wanted to be by her side instead of being alone at his flat. He told Liam everything that happened last night and his friend was super shocked. Liam knew that his friend was anti-social and he wasn't the type to let people at his house but Yarlemy was his exception along with his girlfriend Demi. Zayn liked Yarlemy and he wanted her to be around more often. Her presence made him feel loved, and he actually felt normal for once. She was the sweetest thing ever and Zayn was heavily infatuated with her.

"I think you should invite her over again," Liam says to his friend over the phone.

"T-Think so?" Zayn wonders.

"It's not too late," Liam sings. "And plus maybe you guys can finish your book that you've been telling me about."

"Liam r-right," he exhales. "Z-Zayn very..nervous."

"You two are friends right?" Liam asks curiously.

"G-Guess so," Zayn sighs slouching on his couch.

"I mean, if you like her then you should tell her before it's too late. Don't wait too long to tell her how you feel," Liam says passionately.

"B-But..f-fear..fear r-rejection," Zayn groans.

"You gotta take that risk mate. Don't wait on it, okay? Trust me she likes you Zayn so you have nothing to worry about," Liam assures.

"P-Positive?" Zayn asks nervously.

"Very positive, now go get your lady," Liam says happily.

"T-Thanks..Liam," Zayn giggles fiddling with the hems of his shirt.

"No problem mate, just remember to invite me to your wedding," Liam teases but he was being totally serious.

Zayn blushed, "B-Bye now,"

"Bye," Liam chuckles then hung up.

Zayn locked his phone and sighed, he had much to think about.

"Don't forget to close up Yarlemy!" Stacey says snapping her fingers at her.

"I was about to leave," Yarlemy frowns. "Why can't you have your other employees close up?"

"Because I'm the boss and your not," the blonde scoffs then turned around swiftly to walk out of the salon.

Soon the rest of the stylists left in the next hour. It was so unnecessary to have her wait for everybody. The salon had a policy; whoever is the last one in the salon should close down the salon professionally and be sure to make sure that the environment is clean no matter what.

"This is bullshit," Yarlemy huffed as she walked out the cold weather. All she had on was a shirt and some leggings—she was in a rush this morning and forgot a jacket.

Not bothering to get a taxi she decided she would just walk home. Crossing her arms over her chest she walked on the sidewalk, not even bothering to make eye contact with anyone because her day was pretty bad and her night just turned sour once again.

As she was walking her phone vibrated in her bra, casually taking it out she saw that she got a text from Zayn.

- I don't know if it's too late..but would you mind coming over?

- im sorry babe i can't right now. my day wasn't the greatest and i do have work in the morning😞

- Oh, I'm sorry about that.

- im not trying to turn you down or anything but tonight isn't the best night for me to come over.

- I understand Lemy :)

- i feel like a horrible person😭

- Don't worry we can hang out later this weekend, yeah?

- that would be great babe💓💓

The moment she lifted her head up she bumped into someone's shoulder.

"Watch where you're going," a foreign accent grumbled as the man walked by.

"Perra!" Yarlemy shouted in Spanish that translating to her calling him a "bitch" then rolling her eyes.

When she finally got home she went to her bedroom to take a shower. But before she got in the shower she took out her phone and saw that she got a double text from Zayn.

- We could probably go on a date?
- Well..unless you want to because I don't want to force you into anything you want don't want to do and yeah 😶

Smiling she pulled out the camera, taking a quick mirror pic then replying.


im down for it😉❤️

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im down for it😉❤️

She did not get an instant text back and she wasn't surprised. He was probably coping what was just sent to him, and it made her smile even wider just thinking about how he was reacting.

So Yarlemy made sure to put a shower cap over her head to protect her hair from the water. She took a nice long shower and got out with a towel wrapped around her body.

Applying lotion to her body she tied a night scarf over head and threw on some random pajamas.

Walking into her chicken she made herself some Ramon noodles. Her phone was sitting right next to her and it did not go off. She honestly wondered what could be going on with Zayn but she continued to eat her noodles until her bowl was clean.

Jumping on her bed she got super comfortable on her soft mattress. Today was a pretty long day and all she wanted to do was sleep. But when she turned off her phone it vibrated the next minute.

- great

Yarlemy let out a small laugh and locked her phone. Then she casually fell into a deep sleep, thinking about the one and only Zayn Malik.


I think Yarlemy is gorgeous 😇

- BookOfBandz

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