Flower | Chile PT 2

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Flower | Chile PT 2

Yarlemy didn't know if it was the fact that she was going back home or the fact that she ate too much this morning. She had threw up on the plane twice and was nearly close to fainting if it weren't for Louis giving her some water. All the other passengers were disturbed but she didn't let it get to her. She didn't understand why she had this sudden rush to throw up and it really bothered her. She tried her very best to hold it in, but she ended up throwing on the plane again.

"Thank god I'm off that damn plane," Yarlemy breathed once she finally walked out of the airport. The hot and humid air made everything seem a bit better; she was now back in her home country.

"It's okay," Zayn assures rubbing her back smoothly.

"Bye c-couple!" Louis waves with a grin, the couple said their goodbyes to him before he got into a taxi and took off.

"Yarlemy Pecina Rosa!" Shouted an all too familiar voice, soon a young gentleman walked towards them with a smile on his face.

"Don't say my government like that," Yarlemy says punching her brother in the chest before engulfing him into a huge hug. "I miss you so much Andres."

"I missed you too," he smiles pulling away then looked at the guy who stood by awkwardly. "Who's that?"

Yarlemy laced her hands with the quiet man and smiled, "Andres, this is my boyfriend Zayn."

"¿Novio?" Andres questioned with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, and he is amazing," she says kissing Zayn's cheek.

"That's nice,"Andres smiled then extended his hand out. "I'm Andres, her little brother."

"Hello," Zayn shyly took his hand then stuffed it in his jean pockets.

"Now come on the family is waiting for ya," Andres beckoned the both of them to follow him to his car that he recently got from saving up.

"Nice car," Yarlemy complimented nodding. "Looks like something off of a Hot Wheels commercial."

"Shut the hell up and get in," Andres huffed.

It was really nice being in her home country again. The Chilean people has never changed and she is glad that she has gotten a chance to come back. Of course she wasn't going to miss out on her younger twin brother's birthday, so she knew that she had to come back home again.

"Mama! Papa! I'm home!" Yarlemy calls out the moment she stepped in the small house that she grew up in.

"Oh my precious baby," her mother was the first to come from the kitchen just to give her oldest child a big warm hug. She was a dark skinned woman who was quite short compared to Yarlemy, but shared similarities from her daughter. "I miss you so much."

"I missed you too mama," Yarlemy inhaled her mother's sweet scent and exhaled before she pulled away. "Mama, I have somebody that you should meet."

"Who are we meeting?" Her father, Russo, poked his head out from the living room in curiosity. He had a lighter complexion than his wife but he still was a shade of a dark brown. His head had a low cut hairstyle and he even had tattoos on his arms that held many stories behind it. Russo was quite tall, almost Zayn's height actually.

"Come on papa," Yarlemy says motioning for him to come over.

"H-Heelloo," Zayn waved nervously looking at the two older adults who gave their strong traits to his girlfriend. "Name's Z-Zayn."

"Zayn? What a very interesting name," the woman smiles, it was quite similar to Yarlemy's and he secretly loved it.

"T-Thanks," he blushed.

"He's my boyfriend and we've been together since July," Yarlemy tells her parents as she was lacing their fingers together.

"Boyfriend?!" The two voices shouted from the hallway and soon heavy footsteps were coming their way. Soon the twins, Enes and Sergio were standing by the doorway looking like mini versions of their older brother and their father.

"Boys be polite," Daniela says snapping at her fingers at them then turned to the quite shy man. "It's nice to meet you Zayn, I'm Daniela and this is my husband Russo."

"Hi," he greeted shaking both of their hands politely.

"And these are my two little brothers Enes and Sergio," Yarlemy says pointing to the teenage boys.

"I hope you don't plan on breaking her heart or else me and my brothers will break you," Sergio stayed crossing his arms.

"Shut up Sergio," Yarlemy groaned.

"It's nice to meet you though," Sergio smiles cheekily. "Wanna check out my comic books? I have a lot."

Zayn looked at Yarlemy first but she ended up bumping hips with him so she could enjoy his time with the boys.

"He seems like a really sweet guy," Daniela hums. "He's pretty handsome too."

"Oh mama, you don't even know," Yarlemy gushes. "I adore that man so much."

"That's good that you finally found someone," Daniela smiles, and it was a real smile knowing all the struggles her daughter had to go through just to find a man that loves her.

"Yeah me too and—oh shit," Yarlemy covered her mouth with her hands and practically sprinted to the bathroom where she threw up for the fourth time today.

As she ran to the bathroom her mother yelled, "No cussing in this house!"

Oh goodness, doesn't it feel great to be back home again.


- BookOfBandz

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