Flower | The Streets

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Flower | The Streets

It has been four months ever since Yarlemy had moved to England. The month is now April and she is starting to get the hang of things. Her income is good and her bills are being paid so she had nothing to really worry about. She needed to learn not to stress out over small things. Everything wasn't suppose to be made as a big deal and sometimes she could be really dramatic. She needs to be positive about her life because she is living her dream. No matter how hard things got, she has to be positive.

With all that being said she needs to be more open and confident about herself. She needs to stop worrying about other people so much and worry about herself. Yes, it sounded a bit selfish but it was for her own good. Yarlemy was considerate of others more than she was considerate of herself. She had internal conflicts about herself and how much she needed to change. The truth is, she just hasn't realized her flaws and she hasn't learned how to love them as well as herself. She is really trying her best to figure out of her life right now, and it could take some time.

Not only was she trying to figure out her life but she was trying to figure out her love life too. She was almost twenty-three and she is just now going on dates. Nobody took interest in her unless it was her body. She has been let down too many times and she assumes that it is something wrong with her but that wasn't the case. She wanted to be accepted and she was doing the wrong thing by falling for someone so quickly. Sometimes she blames herself for getting into those messes even though they weren't her fault, she couldn't help taking the blame for it.

Zayn was a very sweet guy and he was very handsome too. She learned that he is British and Pakistani yet he is connected with his Asian roots as well. Just from a few weeks she came to a conclusion that he is definitely someone she had never meet before. It was so easy to make him blush and it was quite adorable too along with his shy smile. She could tell that he was nervous around her and she would always tell him to relax because she was no one intimidating. Zayn could disagree, her beauty was very intimidating.

Anyway, Zayn had got off work just a few minutes ago and he debated if he would call his driver or walk home. He rarely walks due to being paranoid and around a lot of people, but sometimes it gave him a chance to tune everybody out so he could focus on his internal thoughts.

Going with his second option he decided to walk home. It was a few miles away but he didn't mind because physical exercise wasn't going to hurt him. And plus, London was such a pretty place.

He mostly thought about Yarlemy, wondering what she was doing right now. They had gone on a couple lunch dates this past month and being with her was great. He himself warming up to her, even though he swore to himself that he wouldn't trust another female in his life.

She was different and he found that attractive. Her skin was absolutely beautiful and her lips were so full. She smelt nice and she always had a smile on her face when she was around him. It made Zayn happy to know that he is the reason behind her smile.

Just as he was walking past L'Oreal's Beauty Boutique there came Liam's girlfriend, Demi, and Yarlemy walking out.

Feeling himself blush, he shyly approached her with a tap on her shoulder.

Yarlemy looked at him and her eyes lit up with so much joy, "Hi Zayn!"

"Lemy..p-personal," Zayn groaned, she had hugged him and it was making him kinda uncomfortable even though he secretly liked it. But still, he wasn't big on physical contact.

"Sorry," she says pulling away. "I haven't seen you in a while and I missed you that's all."

Zayn blushed, "I-It's fine..m-missed Lemy."

"Well I'll let you lovebirds have your time. I gotta go, bye you two," Demi says wiggling her eyebrows at them.

Zayn silently waved while Lemy gave her friend a hug before Demi left.

"Mind if I join your walk?" Yarlemy asks.

Zayn shrugged and looked down at his shoes. He has opened up to her more but he was just a shy person in general so it was quite hard to articulate his words sometimes. Yet, it was like she could read his mind and it was really nice.

"How was your day?" Asks Yarlemy.

Zayn shrugged again.

"Babe, you gotta use your words so we can communicate," she says gently.

The man was a little shocked but he was also grateful to have her. He knew that he needed to get better at his communication skills because the only person who really helped him was Liam. Now that Yarlemy was around he had to get better for his own sake.

"You can explain babe," she says nudging his arm gently, waiting for him to speak up.

Zayn gulped and fumbled with his fingers, "I-It was..u-usual as..normal. N-Nothing..nothing really s-special."

"Do you enjoy your job?" Yarlemy asks.

"T-To..certain point," he tells her.

"Are you passionate about anything else besides checking for viruses?" Yarlemy asks curiously.

"Mhh..b-books," Zayn says to her.

Yarlemy took note of that, "You like to read?"

"Y-Yes..a-and write," he nodded.

"Have you tried writing any drafts? You know, like any ideas in your spare time?" Yarlemy asks deepening the conversation, she found this quite interesting.

"Not r-really," Zayn says shaking his head.

"Well, you should give it a shot," Yarlemy's tone was truthful and optimistic, which he liked a lot.

"T-Think so?" Zayn asks curiously looking at her.

"Of course babe, just put your mind to it and you can do anything you want," she smiles and it hit him really hard, nobody really told him to chase after his dreams and here is this wonderful woman making him feel so special.

"W-Would..like to..to h-help?" He asks. "H-Help Zayn?"

"I would love to help you because I'm kinda into literature too," she says with a shy smile.

"Great," Zayn giggles as he stuffed his hands in his front pockets, just knowing that they had something in common makes him smile.

"I have to make a turn, so I'll talk to you later, okay? Just text me or call me anytime," Yarlemy planted a soft kiss on his cheek before walking down another sidewalk as Zayn watched her from a far, wondering and hoping if she is the right one for him.


- BookOfBandz

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