Flower | His B-Day

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Flower | His B-Day

"Happy birthday papi," a sweet voice spoke in his ear causing his long eyelashes to flutter open to the sight of his five month pregnant girlfriend kissing his tattooed chest softly.

"Heelloo," he rasped with a small loopy grin on his face, it didn't even feel like it was birthday honestly but he was celebrating it with his girlfriend so this year was probably going to be different.

"I made you breakfast downstairs," she says stroking his thin scuff. "Come on we have a long day today."

"Lemy," Zayn groans.

"Don't," Yarlemy says in a knowing tone.

"C-Cranky lady," he mumbles sitting up against the headboard.

"What was that?" Yarlemy asked with a raised eyebrow at his mumbling.

"Nothing," he huffs crossing his arms over his bare chest.

Yarlemy's flirtatious side started to come out so she leaned in to kiss his lips, pulling away with a gleam of happiness in her eyes, "I love you."

"Whatever," he says rolling his eyes.

"Ug, excuse me? After what we did last night I thought you would be happy as hell. I nearly broke my damn back for you and this is how you treat me? Wow," Yarlemy shook her head and carefully got off the so she could leave this bedroom.

Zayn honestly couldn't deal with her mood swings sometimes, he groaned, "Lemy."

"Don't," she says swiftly with the snap of her fingers before she waddled out of bedroom.

Instantly, he went into his "overprotective of his pregnant girlfriend" mode he rushed out bed. He threw a shirt over his chest and jogged down the hallway to catch up with her.

"I can do it on my own," Yarlemy grumbles holding onto the staircase railings.

"N-No..Lemy..can not," Zayn sighs helping her walk down the stairs carefully, he was always worried when she walked down this stairs because it was kinda a long way down.

"Thanks for having hope in me," she sighs dramatically.

Zayn had to get used to this side of Yarlemy, he simply sighed, "Love you."

"I love you too papi," Yarlemy purred once they got to the floor, she cupped his cheeks and pulled him into a very deep kiss.

Soon his hand was being taken from her hip then down to her plush backside where she aided him to that area of her body. She made sure he grabbed a handful and she was truly satisfied with it.

"Lemy," he pulled away with a blush on his cheeks as he fiddled with his hands.

"What? It's all yours Zayn," she shrugs then she started to smirk. "Especially how you handled it last night."

"Lemy," Zayn's face turned to a darker pink at that last comment. Pregnancy really did turn her into another woman that he has never seen before—well besides her flirty and sexual ways..he has seen a lot before she became pregnant but now he has seen even more.

"Anyway, follow me," she took his hand and guided him to the kitchen where she made huge amounts of birthday breakfast just for him—and herself as well since she is eating for two.

flower | zayn malikWhere stories live. Discover now