Flower | Cherry Tops

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Flower | Cherry Tops

"I can't believe you wanted to do this," Yarlemy giggled slightly at they walked hand in hand into the grocery store.

"I-Inspired," Zayn tells her then looked down at his list in his other hand to see that they needed to get eggs first.

"I can see that babe," Yarlemy nods with a sweet hum as their hands swung back and forth.

Zayn blushed as they walked towards the dairy area. His eyes scanning over the different food products on display. He wasn't the type to go grocery shopping, his decision making skills weren't the best.

"Which ones do you want?" Yarlemy asks curiously, looking at the handsome man next to her.

"D-Don't know," Zayn bit his bottom lip and released it seconds afterwards.

"I'll help you," Yarlemy spoke gently as she took one carton of eggs, checking to see if they weren't cracked and if they had any brown spots on them. She repeated this process again but Zayn stopped her with a gasp.

"L-Lemy! No, no, no," Zayn took the second carton of eggs and placed them back down quite frantically.

Yarlemy looked at him with wonder, "What's wrong Zayn?"

"T-That's..wrong," he says pointing at the pre-opened carton of eggs.

"No it's not if you're looking for the right kind," Yarlemy explains to him. "People do it all the time to check for good eggs."

"B-But..what about..about o-other people?" Zayn asks worriedly.

"Other people aren't worried about your master cake Zayn. And if you want it to be perfect then you have to trust me on this," she says taking both of his wrist and looking at him deeply in the eyes.

Zayn nodded silently. He didn't really understand everything but he was willing to learn. Afterall, he did want to start a relationship with her.

"Here, this looks perfect," Yarlemy showed him a new carton of eggs before putting it in the basket. "What's next on our list?"

"Uhm..m-milk?" He read off.

"Alright," Yarlemy took his hand while her other hand held the basket. They went to the milk area and got a carton of milk as well.

"T-This..this butter..is n-nice," Zayn says picking his favorite butter brand from the shelf and tossing it in the basket. Then he checked that item off the list.

"Where to now?" Yarlemy asks.

"C-Cake..cake batter," Zayn says blushing adorably.

After watching two full on seasons of Cake Wars on Netflix he decided that he wanted to make his own cake—with Yarlemy's help of course—. He was inspired by the show and he wanted to be creative. Of course Yarlemy was very supportive of his decision and here they are now at the grocery store getting all the ingredients they needed. Yarlemy was willing to help him make his ideal cake because it seemed really important to him. The way his eyes lit up when he saw all the variety cake favors made her heart melt in so much aw, she loved it all.

"Chose anything you want," Yarlemy smiles widely letting him have the time of his life.

He picked out lots of variety of cake favors. From zebra cake swirl to coconut cream. And as we went down the aisle everything got ten times better.

"Babe," Zayn sung with the dreamiest look in his eyes, totally unaware that he called her "babe" right that second. He held up his favorite type of candy to his face and smiled.

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