Flower | Number 9's

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Flower | Number 9's

Zayn Malik had one friend that stuck with him through thick and thin. No matter how hard things got in life, Liam Payne always stayed by his side. They have been best mates ever since they graduated college and they have built a pretty special bond. When nobody was there for Zayn then Liam would always be there to pick him back up so he would continue to move forward in his life. Liam would always help Zayn and will do anything to make sure that his friend would never end up sad or even heartbroken.

Now, Zayn would be the type of guy that you would consider "special" or even "lucky" for that extra matter. He was autistic and he has been ever since he came out of his mother's womb. He had to go through things that "normal" people didn't have to go through. His sensitively levels were quite high as well as his emotional levels. Liam knew his friend very well and he knows that Zayn has certain standards too. It can be really hard for Zayn even if it was for something easy. He has it different from everybody else this world.

He was so full of life when you get the chance to meet him. If he warms up to you then you should he the luckiest person in the world because it was super rare for Zayn to open up to someone. Heck, it took almost a month for the two guys to have an actual decent conversation without Zayn telling Liam to leave him alone. He could he very grumpy at times but underneath that he was a sweetheart. You had to be patient with him and you couldn't force him into anything either since he was quite stubborn as well. But besides that, he could be really shy and very humorous if he really wanted to.

They both grew up in England and they haven't moved ever since they graduated college. Liam had an actual profession since his father was a CEO director for several buildings which meant he was quite busy but not all the time. Zayn had a very interesting job and that is because his job was to work in a cubicle on the top of floor of a seventeen story building detecting viruses from new softwares. They were both very wealthily and had busy work schedules, but they didn't stop them from hanging out with each other every once in a while.

"You seriously got a fidget spinner?" Liam asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Thissa fun," Zayn shrugs spinning the gadget just by his fingertips. One of his co-workers gave it to him, assuming that there was something wrong with him and Zayn took it without knowing any meaning behind it.

"You don't need that," Liam says taking the small object away and tossing it in the trash. "You're perfectly fine without that thing."

"Liam," Zayn frowns.

"Whoever gave that to you is an asshole," Liam huffs running his fingers through his quiff.

"Calum?" The twenty-three year old asks tilting his head to the side.

"Yes," Liam nods. "You don't need a fidget spinner Zayn, you're capable of keeping your nerves calm."

"Fine," Zayn says slouching in her chair and crossing his arms over his chest in a childish manner.

The two friends were at their favorite diner since they both just got off of work. It was called Vero and they had the best food in town. They always ate here after they got off and sometimes they would spend their lunch here. It was a really cool spot.

When the waiter came and took their order Zayn and Liam shared a decent conversation between one another. The doorbell went off which caught Zayn's attention, there came in walking a dark skinned beauty with a head full of curls and a body like a goddess, she was beautiful.

"Zen..who are you looking at?" Liam asks chuckling.

The man darted his eyes back at his friend, blushing then looking down as he shook his head.

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