Flower | Dates PT 1

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Flower | Dates PT 1

Tonight is the night that Zayn and Yarlemy has been waiting for. They would be going in their first official date and it was going to be spectacular. They have known each other since March and it was that time to take a step forward into their pursuing relationship. They definitely had feelings for each other and they weren't going to hide those feelings anymore. No matter what happened tonight Yarlemy wanted to keep a positive mindset, meanwhile, Zayn wanted to have the time of his life with this phenomenal wonderful woman who he adores so much.

"Make sure not to pop your cherry for him on the first night," Demi teases with a childish grin on her face.

"Bitch I might," Yarlemy scoffs looking at herself in the mirror.

"You're disgusting," Demi laughs,

"Listen I take that back, okay? He's such a sweet guy and I know he isn't ready for this chocolate thunder," she stayed flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"You're going to give him a heart attack Yarlemy. Do you see how beautiful you are?" Demi sighs happily.

"I kinda tried," she shrugs looking at herself.

"Well you tried your hardest," Demi snorted.

Demi was over to give her some girl prep talk before the date. The two ladies were over Yarlemy's place doing something that they always they did, and that was having some serious talk about the boys they liked and how they were getting through their relationships. Demi and Liam were official of course, but Yarlemy and Zayn were not official. It was nice hearing some tips and red flags about being in a relationship and the good and bad aspects that came with them. Yarlemy was so ready to become Zayn's girlfriend, but she knew that it took time.

"Take it easy mate, you will be fine," Liam says comforting his nervous friend.

"Thissa..so i-important," Zayn groans running his fingers through his hair.

"I know it is, and you will be fine," Liam says in a meaningful tone. "She is one lucky lady to be going on a date with you."

"R-Really?" Zayn asks.

"Yes, because do you know how many women I have to turn down for you? Like honestly, I get a bit jealous sometimes,"  Liam admits to his best mate.

"Ya'do?" Zayn wonders.

"Yes, but anyway, I hope you enjoy yourself," Liam says.

Of course Liam was probably the best wingman that Zayn has ever had. They have been through thick and thin which meant that they weren't going to trade their brotherly love for anything else. This was Zayn's first date and Liam had to be by his side no matter what. He gave him some guy talk and made sure that he was looking pretty dapper tonight. Liam knew that Demi was helping Yarlemy get ready so he was helping his friend get ready too. He was also picking up Yarlemy and Demi so he could drop the two lovebirds off.

- Hello..I just pulled up.

- great😊 I'm walking outside now

That really wasn't true because she was now freaking out.

"Demi he's here!" Yelled Yarlemy. "Do I look okay? Did I put too much makeup on? Is this too much skin? Please tell me so I won't—,"

"Shut up Yarlemy, you look bad as fuck," Demi pretty much pushed her out her apartment, and walked to a similar car parked on the curb.

"Holy shit," Yarlemy gasped once she saw the sight of Zayn, and she swore that she felt dizzy.

He leaned against the black Mercedes Benz with a black tux adorned on his body. His hair was nicely trimmed and so was his beard, making him look much younger. His eyes were dreamy, those hazel pools literally pulled her in and she could feel like she was drowning. This man was so damn beautiful that it didn't make any sense.

"H-Heelloo," Zayn greeted nervously making eye contact with her then looking at her attire.

Yarlemy felt like she was underdressed for this occasion. She had on a very light blue halter top that was tied in the front, showing off how beautiful her dark chocolate skin is for everyone to envy. Darker blue pants were on her legs, making her backside look mighty fine while she had white heels to top it all off. Her makeup was done and her hair was also done, but even with that, she felt like a bum.

"Lemy..looks v-very..very b-beautiful," Zayn tells her sincerely.

That was new, Yarlemy thought to herself, "You really think so?"

"Yes," the boldness came out of him and he took both of her hands in his own, squeezing them gently to let her know how beautiful he thinks she is.

Yarlemy cheeks were starting to hurt and they haven't even made it to the main event yet. She smiled at him, "Thank you Zayn. You look very handsome too by the way."

"So..so nice," he spoke to himself feeling the side of his face, he knew he was blushing since his cheeks were hot.

"Want to get going?" Yarlemy asks.

He nodded before opening the door for her then getting in himself.

The topic of the conversation was mainly about Zayn and Yarlemy. Their friends were happy for them and they wished them the best of luck. Earlier this week Yarlemy told Liam that she would be taking Zayn to an art museum for their date since she discovered that he was very passionate about it. Zayn didn't know where they were going because she said it was going to be a surprise. It worried him a little bit but he tried to keep an open mind about this.

"We're here," Yarlemy whispered to Zayn in his ear, she got out the car with their fingers laced together. She was so happy and very ready for this date.

"Have a good time," Demi says from the passenger seat as she sent a wave to the both of them.

"Thanks," Yarlemy says kindly then focused her attention back on Zayn who's eyes screamed the word happy.

He looked at the building in front of him with so much awe. Zayn them knew for a fact that Yarlemy was the right one for him.


- BookOfBandz

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