Flower | Big Trophies

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Flower | Big Trophies

"You look so handsome," Yarlemy swooned fixing his hair and his black fitted suit on his body.

"L-Lemy..looks r-ravishing," Zayn complimented back.

"You really think so?" Yarlemy asks self consciously.

"Yes dear," he nods kissing her lips softly being careful not to ruin her dark lipstick.

"Do you know how proud I am? Like honestly, I love you so much and I couldn't ask for a better soulmate," Yarlemy states with her eyes sparkling.

Zayn's heart fluttered at her words, he kindly smiled at her, "Thank you."

"Anytime," Yarlemy smiles before kissing him softly.

Tonight was the Author's Recognition Awards Ceremony in the city of London. It was a place where all the new writers—that were picked from Stonebridge—in the country of England come to an award ceremony to receive various awards. Zayn was chosen, but he didn't know what award he was going to get. All of this would be taken place at a ballroom filled with many other authors, publishers, critics, and other legends as well. There was no nervous feelings or nervous bone in his body tonight, he was ready for anything that was going to come his way.

He was dressed in all black tonight. A fitting black dress shirt along with a fancy black blazer over it. It covered tattoos on his arms and showed some of the ones on his hand. Zayn was going for a more formal look so he allowed his fiancé to do his hair. It was barely slicked back with a barely noticed pard on the side of his hand to create a very dashing effect. His scrub was somewhat trimmed but he couldn't care less about it because his lady says that his looks could "win any award with one glance".

Meanwhile, his ravishing fiancé was dressed in a dark blue formal dress that pooled around her feet at the ends. The blue color went well with her skin tone to the point that it made her glow. It was very fitting and it complimented her body so nicely. Even being five months pregnant she still had her lovely curves which made her figure look outstanding. There was a bit of a v-neck that showed cleavage but it was just enough for modesty and professionalism. Her hair was slicked back still it reached her mid-back, and her makeup was done to perfection.

"I think we should get going, yeah? Everybody must be waiting on us downstairs," Yarlemy says patting his chest gently.

Zayn nodded and laced their fingers together before walking out the bedroom. He helped her walk down the stairs of course since she had had short heels on—and the fact she was five months pregnant also had him take extra precaution.

"Look at these two," Liam whistled once the couple made it downstairs, everybody in the room where stunned.

Liam, Demi, Yaser, and Trisha would also be attending this aware ceremony. It was a big deal so of course Zayn allowed them to tag along since they were his support system along with his fiancé.

Everybody left his flat to see Mr. Smith waiting outside in a white fancy limo parked on the curb. The lovely group got in and that is when the vehicle took off.

"I am so proud of you son," Yaser says with a kind smile with a hint of proudness in his eyes that awfully resembled to his son's.

"I am also proud of you too," Trisha added. "We raised a great young man. I always knew you were up for greatness the moment you came into this world."

"He is a great man," Yarlemy murmured leaning her head on his shoulder.

Zayn placed a hand on her belly and started to rub it absentmindedly. He then felt a kick against his hand, "Oh my."

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