Mere Observation

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A/N: I would recommend putting the video on loop since it's short. 

  Who thought she could be so indecisive about an afternoon snack? She wanted to get one quick, so she could continue the book that she was reading. Now, though, she couldn't decide between five options: plain Oreos, golden Oreos, chocolate covered popcorn, chocolate chip cookies, or strawberry flavored pocky. Usually, she would've grabbed one of the five things within a minute at most, but she was nervous. (F/n) couldn't place why she felt that way; she was alone in the house after all.

Still, it felt like someone was watching her. It seemed like someone's gaze was burning into her, yet when she peered behind her, she didn't see anyone. Regardless of what she saw, her hands were slightly trembling. She had never felt this anxious before. Perhaps, it was just that she was staying in a different house for the night, but just in case she would make sure that everything was locked before she went to bed. Then again, maybe she should check all the locks now.

Deciding that to be a good course of action, she closed the cupboard that she had open and went over to the kitchen window. It was locked. So, she made her way over to the front door, and it was locked. She carried out this procedure throughout the whole house. Thankfully, there was nothing unlocked. Was someone outside, then? If they were, she didn't wish to take one step out there.

In fact she had an uneasy feeling ever since she entered the house, but she pushed it aside. At the time she was too elated to worry about her nerves, and she had thought that the feeling would go away. It didn't. Well, she didn't pay attention to it while she was reading, but now in the kitchen, it was bothering her again. (F/n) had no idea why the feeling wouldn't stop, since it hadn't happened before. Still, it just felt like something was off about the home.

She hadn't felt this way when Nathan was giving her a tour of his home, but now was different. Annoyed with it, though, she reminded herself about the money and about the fact that Nathan was a trusted friend of her parents. If he put her in a dangerous situation, he would have to deal with the wrath of them. So, she forcefully kicked the feeling away and grabbed the bag of chocolate chip cookies.

Before living the kitchen/living room area, she scanned over the space one last time. Not catching sight of anything unusual, she marched back to her room and locked the door behind her. She practically jumped onto the plush bed before she set the bag of cookies nearby. (F/n) picked her mystery book back up and began to read from where she left off.

During the whole time of her locking the house and acting somewhat paranoid, Drem watched with complete amusement. Nathan was no longer present to ward off the vibe he gave, leaving the little doe to feel the entirety of it. The way she had darted around the kitchen, living room and presumably the rest of the house was unexpected, but he had anticipated that she would start to act somewhat strange eventually. Already, her optimistic attitude, from earlier in the day, was vanishing if not completely gone for the moment.

He let out a low chuckle at the memory. If she felt that uneasy already, he could only imagine how she would act later on. Pressing himself against his limited surroundings, he wondered what he could do for the moment. His fingers trailed down the wall in front of him, and his lips upturned into a grin.

Not holding back, he curled his right hand into a fist and banged against the wall. He had no idea what she would hear, but he did know that she would hear something. The auburn-haired male would get to see the little doe again. His prey might come running out with fear dancing in her (e/c) eyes. It would be delightful if that were to happen.

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