New Conditions

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting video on loop.

She had moved herself into a sitting position. Right next to her was the male, who had a thin line of saliva drying on his right cheek. Every part of her was telling her not to get closer to the male, who was now patiently waiting. Besides, how would licking the saliva off help? It would just put more on his face, unless that's what he wanted. Given what this man was capable off, it would make sense. He was sick in the head, so perhaps he just wanted her to move her face closer to his. The licking could just be an excuse for something else.

(F/n) watched as he leaned back on his hands and glanced over to her. His brown eyes locked onto her (e/c) gaze, while a smirk tugged at his lips. "I'm waiting, little doe," he announced in a playful sing-song voice.

His tone was rather disturbing to say the least, and the nickname wasn't helping. It only made the whole prey-predator thing more obvious. She didn't want to be considered prey. In reality, however, she really was. There wasn't much that she could do against him, especially since that wasn't his body. Of course, she didn't even know if the entity was male, if it even had a gender.

At one point, though, she had been willing to kill the man for her own survival. Still if she survived, how would she explain the dead body? There was something possessing the person, and it was attacking her? She would sound crazy and most likely be thrown into some mental institute, as well as charged with murder.

There was also the possibility that the entity wouldn't be killed off by merely killing its host. For all she knew, it could just return to its original state and possess another if not her. Given all of the circumstances before her, she really had no choice but to comply or fight. Striking back in her condition didn't sound wise. Besides, he had already made clear what he would do if she did continue to resist him at the moment.

So, with extreme hesitance she leaned forward towards his right cheek. The wide grin upon his lips made her wish to punch him, but she held back. Her pride was on the backburner, as she extended out her tongue. When her tongue finally contacted his skin, she licked the area quickly. She tasted a little blood due to the fact that there was a cut on the same area. Her intention was to pull back swiftly, but the male had other ideas.

Speedily, he turned his head and latched his teeth onto her lower lip. Her skin there broke soon after, and she couldn't move her lips away, for it just increased the pain. She lifted up her hands and pushed against his chest, but he still held on. He rested the palms of his hands on her hips and tugged her forward.

In the process, he proceeded to have her legs straddle his right thigh, as he sucked on the wounded flesh. (F/n) pounded her fists on his chest and sometimes pushed her palms against him, but none of this worked. She saw his expression, and it was one of pure pleasure. It was as if his gaze wasn't even on her, as he seemed to be too focused on his action.

Every second, it seemed, she could feel his tongue glide across her skin, as a small trail of blood dripped down the right corner of his mouth. It felt like this action continued on for minutes, until he decided to let go. Once her lip was free, she shoved her hands against him, but forgot what position she was in. This caused her to fall backwards and collide with the floor.

Her already sore body protested against this, and she couldn't help but grumble out in pain. To add to the situation, her lip felt swollen. She reached her right middle and index fingers up to the small portion of flesh. A warm substance greeted them, and it was probably a combination of her blood and his saliva.

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