Snuffed Chance

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

"Drem, did you come across something?" she asked, her focus solely on the opened book now but turning towards the notepad now.

Yes ... but it isn't good news. It looks like the seal is permanent. I really am going to be stuck here forever. Still, it was considerate of you to offer the possibility of me being able to leave. I really wanted to follow you home and cuddle with you more.

Despite his ending remark, she could catch the gloom eating away at him. He had written the message slowly, as though he was trying not to cry or laugh out in misery. It was as if even writing down the words were a struggle for him.

Just to double-check his statement, she pulled the book over to herself and scanned the pages that it was open to. As she read on, her hope that he had read it wrong was fading. From the words of the book, the seal was indeed eternal and couldn't be broken. It even further clarified that the spell utilized on Drem to rip his spirit from his body was irreversible unless the art of necromancy was involved.

In order to smother the growing somber mood, she closed the book and declared, "Tomorrow, Drem, I'll show you something spectacular in the evening." She proceeded to stand up and start picking up the books. When they were all gathered up in her arms, she felt a sharp cold sensation on her left cheek before cold brushed past her.

She rolled her eyes and headed on inside, muttering, "That wasn't necessary nor wanted." Funny enough, though, she secretly wanted to hear him chuckle or react in some way. (F/n) even glanced back, only to see nothing, except for her dishes being picked up. A sigh escaped her lips, as she turned on her heel and continued on her way to the garage.

Making her way inside the space, she began to put the books back in the box. Once she was finished, she looked over to the wall above the workbench, which she was once scared of. Now, she knew that Drem probably wouldn't use any of those tools against her.

Still, the large piece of beige fabric covering what rested on the workbench caught her interest. She had noted it on her last trip into the garage, but she had been more concerned about the search at that time. (F/n) made her way over to it and could only wonder at what Drem was planning. Of course, she knew that he was working on making a doll for himself, but she couldn't help but feel that it was something more than that. Even if it wasn't, she wished to see the progress of the doll.

Extending out her right hand towards the sheet, she went to remove it but was stopped. She felt cold wrap around her wrist, and she figured that Drem had seen what she was about to do as he was entering the kitchen. Still, the cold was uncomfortable. "Alright, I won't peek at it, but can you let go?"

Soon enough, the chill around her wrist vanished, but the cold in the room remained. "Will I be able to see it soon? One tap for yes, two for no," she stated before she felt one cold tap. Nodding in response, she voiced, "Even though, having a doll follow me around is kind of creepy, I still wish to see it. Anyway, I'm going to watch some television before I go to bed. Do you want to watch with me to clear your head of the unfortunate news?"

Another chilly tap hit against her right cheek. With that, she headed back inside and closed the garage door once she felt the cold brush by her. A few moments passed, and she was on the couch, watching a simple mystery movie. Drem had gone back into his monkey form and was sitting on her lap. Absentmindedly, she brought her right hand up to the top of his head and softly petted it, much to the delight of Drem.

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