Break a Tear

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 A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

An audible sigh escaped her mother's mouth, as the woman crossed her arms across her chest. The woman's gaze turned onto the monkey in her daughter's arms. She had seen the monkey before in Nathan's collection of antiques, and she always found it to be adorable. Granted, its history was questionable.

Apparently, it was bought at a carnival, but the child who was the original owner died a week or two after receiving the item. All owners that had possessed the toy later had nothing happen to them. She wondered if the original owner of the toy really had died so shortly after purchasing the toy or if the story was just to increase the toy's mystery.

Whatever the case, she did feel like something was off with the stuffed monkey. It seemed almost like it was watching her, and it unnerved her a bit. She repeatedly told herself that it was just the toy's simple back story. Besides, she must have been right. After all the weird atmosphere in the house was now gone, so it really was just a matter of getting accustomed to some of the antiques' histories.

Then again, the marks on her daughter worried her. "(F/n), maybe you would like me to at least stay for the remainder of the day," she mentioned, her concern still very present. The moment that she had seen her daughter she sensed that something was off.

From the fake smile to the story about the temporary tattoo, even climbing the apple tree, seemed too odd. Granted, it was hard to argue such explanations, since they were specific. Still, her daughter mentioned that she had tripped on the ground a lot, which was her daughter's usual excuse if she were hiding something, despite the fact that she knew her daughter not to be clumsy.

"No, mom, that isn't necessary. Really, I'll be fine," her daughter responded with another smile.

She could tell that the smile was forced again. Her eyes shifted downward to the monkey again, and she noted how tightly her daughter was holding the stuffed toy. Was her daughter nervous? That would certainly clarify the false smiles. What was her daughter hiding from her? Could she really just leave her daughter alone when her gut was telling her to stay?

"(F/n), tell me what really happened? You're acting unusual. You can tell me the truth."

"What are you talking about? I already told you everything. Otis wasn't himself, and he just said some crazy things."

Analyzing her daughter's expression, she wondered why her daughter would want to hide Otis hurting her. Maybe, it was because Otis was generally a nice and polite individual. Or perhaps, Otis really hadn't harmed her daughter? What else could have caused the bruises? Her brows furrowed a bit in thought. "Did Otis and you..." She was cut off before she could even finish.

"No! That wasn't it. Like I said, he must have just been having an off day. Those bruises on him must have been from something else."

Seeing her daughter's reaction, she understood that wasn't the correct answer. So, what was, then? Strangely, though, she thought that she had seen the stuffed monkey move a little bit. It must have been a trick of her eyes, but it looked like for a split of a second that the monkey was potentially laughing. "(F/n), I know this is off topic, but why do you have Nathan's antique stuffed animal monkey?"

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