Little Rest for the Defenseless

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   A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

After she reentered the home, the backdoor slammed shut behind her, but it didn't lock. She figured that the being was just messing with her, wanting to see if she would try to escape from its overwhelming claws. Of course, she didn't know if it possessed such physical traits, but she didn't imagine this thing to look the least bit friendly. In fact she pictured it to appear as one of those monsters seen in horror movies or even something from a child's creative yet sometimes nightmarish imagination, like the thing in the closet or under the bed.

Walking down the hall with such images in her head sent a chill up her spine. She really hoped that it wasn't actually one of those things. Still, as she headed back to the bathroom, her mind traveled to the idea of still taking a shower. The idea was by no means a wise one, especially with a being presumably observing her at all times. Once again, though, the thought of not washing herself after being pushed into a fountain was a displeasing one.

Besides, even if she changed out of the towel and into some clothes, she would be nude for a period of time. Assuming that the thing could move at a rapid pace, she doubted that she would be able to change in time before it would see her. So, unless she wanted to remain in a towel for the rest of her stay at Nathan's home, she would have to risk the thing seeing her without coverings.

Keeping that in mind, her wearing a towel at all times of the day really didn't seem like too good of an idea either. With these things thought out, (f/n) determined that getting a shower would really be better in the long run. She proceeded to step into the bathroom and close the door behind her; she also locked it. The two actions wouldn't do much if anything at all, but it was more of a way to calm her mind.

Her clean clothes were still on the bathroom counter, which was a relief, as she removed the towel and dropped it into the sink for the moment. After her shower she would hang it over the shower to dry before she would throw it into the hamper. Getting into the shower, she turned on the water and relaxed as much as she could in the current situation.

Drem had examined her like always when she was in his field of vision. Still, there were the few times when he would give her some 'alone' time, one of those being when she was in the bathroom. Sure, he could go in there and scare the sh*t out of her. H*ll, it would probably be incredibly enjoyable to do so. He could go another step into violating her sense of privacy; he could have full view of her tempting body.

He held back, however, because he still contained that much respect for people. So, he would give that respect to his little doe. Besides, if he went through with barging in there, his prey would probably develop a new sense of hatred for him. If she didn't hate him at some level already, that would certainly do the trick. She would understand that he had no shred of decency left in him and would unlikely ever form some sort of soft spot for him.

Granted, he didn't need a soft spot now, but if the situation ever required one, he didn't want to f*ck it up for a short timeframe of entertainment. Maybe, he had already sent the possible soft spot down the drain, but his likelihood of one forming, should one be required, would greatly decrease if he invaded her privacy in the bathroom. Still, this generosity wouldn't extend to outside the bathroom. Once she stepped out, he would continue his house of terrors for her.

Even right now, he could go mess something up for her, and he intended to do just that. Currently, the kitchen sounded like the perfect place to strike. There were quite a few options waiting for him there, and he would seize one of them at the moment. He couldn't wait to see the look on his little doe's face once she left the bathroom.

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